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My Day


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Went with both grandsons to an escape room today.

By the time I had read the initial clue, youngest one had solved the puzzle and moved on to the next one.  I followed him round looking bewildered. Apparently we (he) set a record for completing it. You are given 60 minutes, he did it in 47 minutes.

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My day yesterday was a very long one....

It started at 6am on Friday in Accra, Ghana then to the Ghanaian Police Academy to conclude the final day of a 2 week strategic command course as part of the UKs capacity building programme with the M.O.D.

After the day concluded I had some food, then made my way to the airport for the 10.20pm flight to Heathrow...but it didn't take off until 11.15pm!

Then a flight which landed at terminal 3 around 6.15am

Through security, to the car park to collect my car and the drive home.

I arrived back home around 10.30am on Saturday 

Then it was a day of trying to stay awake....so I could get my body clock back to normal 

In the evening I caught up on 2 episodes of Dave Whitworths videos and then hit the sack early evening as I couldn't hold my head up any longer 

Loooong tiring day but extremely successful trip.




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Went out early this morning to wash the wife’s car. It has to be relatively early as the front of our bungalow faces south and the only shade I get is created because the garage is set back a little from the front of the bungalow itself.

With the car washed and dried, I moved it back to dress the tyres and noticed a screw in the tread of the offside front one.  To make it worse, it was near the shoulder of the tyre and could render it irreparable.  I contacted a local tyre dealer, who supplied them about a month ago and they were able to get one in for this afternoon.

As I suspected, it was too close to the shoulder of the tyre and was scrapped.  They did me a deal on the new one with a decent 20% discount, but still relieved me of £161.

When I got home, the wife told me that we’d had a win on the Postcode Lottery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .and she’d receive the £5 in the form of an e-voucher.

I suppose I should be grateful that I spotted the problem on my drive and didn’t have a blow out at speed, but having to bin an almost new tyre does hurt!


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