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We were hoping to make a trip over to the Northern Broads this week but the weather forecast has kyboshed that. With lots of showers shown to be expected we've postponed it We prefer to make the trip before the schools break up so that its not so busy and there is more daylight so that the times can  be a bit more flexible but this year it aint going to happen this month. So we're left with time on our hands and a full wine cupboard. How bad is that?




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I wouldn't be put off by a couple of showers Carole! There was probably more rain fell on me and Mrs Nog going over Breydon on our recent trip than you would get in a month. The forecasts are often wrong anyway, they can only accurately forecast over a few days. It will be manic when the kids are off. Go for it!

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14 minutes ago, NorfolkNog said:

I wouldn't be put off by a couple of showers Carole! There was probably more rain fell on me and Mrs Nog going over Breydon on our recent trip than you would get in a month. The forecasts are often wrong anyway, they can only accurately forecast over a few days. It will be manic when the kids are off. Go for it!

I would echo Mr Nog. Forecasters err on the safe side and have done since Mr Fish fffed up all them years ago, ( although to be fair to him he was only a spokesman for the met office).

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Go for it Carole, I love the Broads in the rain, especially a storm, we've crossed Breydon in some pretty rough conditions in the past and I just love it. The kids are off, you could sit with a nice glass of wine watching all the comings and goings on the water. Like Alan (Mr Breeze) we gongoozle (people watch, or being nosy as im indoors calls it) my goodness you can see and hear some things that would make your hair curl lol

Failing that, bring your wine cupboard to me and I will gladly relieve you of some :default_norty:


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We have to go through Gt. Yarmouth and across Breydon water with the boat open and the tide this week isn't giving us enough headroom to even keep the screens up, so it really is too much hassel unfortunately,hopefully we'll manage it next  month We had to leave it till August last year and had a great few days managing to moor everywhere we wanted to. We' ll make a big effort  to deal with the wine cupboard but thanks to those of you who so kindly offered to assist with that, you were very brave to risk getting mown down by the steamroller  that would be Gracie! To those of you planning a boat trip  shortly enjoy!




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