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Normal For Norfolk

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I have just watched Normal for Norfolk,recorded on my planner. It goes out on Monday on bbc2.This is the second series. If you have not seen it try to do so.It centres on Desmond  at Wiveton hall close to Clay.He has farm land Gardens hoilday cottages and a cafe.He has a hard job keeping his head above water.He is delightfully potty,they have there own water supply,which starts to run low.Desmond know of another source. He and his gardeners check out a well.He the tests the water,by drinking it.Then he gets one of the men to so the same.Must be as potty as him.Above all he maybe slightly potty,but he ,his family get on with it



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The cafe there is a very nice location for lunch. I normally park at Blakeney and walk the sea bank that starts at the wildfowl pond behind the quay parish council car park. This bank takes you round to Cley hitting the A149 on the West side of the Glaven bridge. Cross the road so you are on the pavement and up the hill. Here you will have to cross the road again to stay on the pavement. 200 yard you enter the Wiveton estate pased the hut selling produce and go down the drive to the cafe. You get a very nice view of the salt marsh if the weather allows you to sit out. From the cafe walk past the "pick your own" and "Glamping" area and down through the wood to the path that takes you back to Blakeney.

You can refresh at Desmond's cafe but lunches are really a full meal or on the quay for Burgers, Paninis or seafood.

The White Horse serves Adnams and is very much a gastro pub, The Kings Arms is more typical pub fare and they do excellent Fish & Chips.

I realise that having spent a considerable sum hiring a boat people want to get their moneys worth but it is a shame that more people do not have a split holiday and see what we have up here on the North Norfolk Coast.

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17 minutes ago, JennyMorgan said:

I enjoy the program but Desmond is hardly normal for Norfolk! Great concept but hardly a great 'Norfolk' character, far too posh!

Yes but he is Mad, so that puts him most of the way there.

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I watched this episode last night. I think I might have something round that old well even if it is just scaffold and sheep net. Covering it with a bit of rusting corrugated iron is not too safe. 

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12 hours ago, JennyMorgan said:

Then it would be Normal for Suffolk!

Well I would say it was SNEFS.  Something I encountered written on client forms back in the 1990's at a company I won't mention.  It was either NFN or SNEFS (sub normal even for Suffolk!!) :223_speak_no_evil:

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Just watching this for the first time. An eccentric person for sure, who most definitely does not seem my type of person but I don't think their is any badness in him. 

Totally bemuses me how a person such as he can make a pound????  it just dosent add up . A colourful character for sure, mad as a box of frogs.

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Yes you are right,but what he has done is build a good team,it works When I can will visit there's the cafe gardens farmland etc.I like odd balls like him.He does no fit the big brand like so many places,he is a tryer. Not sure I could work for him,but he gets the job done.

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