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Tv Licence

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On 16/08/2017 at 21:16, psychicsurveyor said:

I watch the BBC so that I know what the cappuccino supping left wing bleeding heart liberal elite establishment expect me to think,  then I think the exact opposite just to be awkward. :default_biggrin:

So as one of the " left wing bleeding heart liberal elite " I'm supposed to believe what  Laura Kuenssberg and Nick Robinson are telling me ?  :default_biggrin:

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40 minutes ago, Poppy said:

So as one of the " left wing bleeding heart liberal elite " I'm supposed to believe what  Laura Kuenssberg and Nick Robinson are telling me ?  :default_biggrin:

You missed "Establishment and cappuccino supping", not sure you qualify .

Sorry can't load a smiley face or tounge in cheek one.

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  • 4 weeks later...

All news outlets these days refer back to talking heads sound in their conceited knowledge that their PPE degree has filled their heads with the prerequisite abilities to be able to pontificate from positions of assumed authority, with pre-supposisions galore, extended quotations by the bucketload, secure in the knowledge that the ignorant proles watching won't notice.

They are so wrong they can't comprehend just how wrong they are, the very independedntly minded British public has never accepted things just because some self aggrandising talking head tells them there's a poroblem and here's my (the best) solution to it costing x billion.

The great people of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland do spot pigs in pokes, they do spot the no ahem Sherlock moments. They just chuckle to themsleves and get on with things that really matter to them. The BBC and every other news outlet are just noise in the background of daily life and people doing what they need to do to live and support their families. Sychophantic support for a 20th century idea of what "we " need from a state Broadcaster is outmoded and the current do five tings at once on my phone whilst playing a play station game whilst watching Netflix generation will, and do, simply ignore it.


Its us old folks that even consider it remotely relevant



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To all those moaning about paying for a tv licence

the simple answer is don’t pay it

its a well known fact that it costs way more to chase the few millions that are owed

im now 51 and can honestly say I’ve never paid for a full year in my life, and I’m proud of that.

I know a few of you will be spitting out your tea or coffee over that


I ignore letters until I get threatened with court action, I then pay what’s owed BUT NO MORE

Await the next court letter and so on, this does not affect my credit rating one bit, because I’ve acted before court proceedings 

on average I pay about £60 per year, as soon as the new year starts I get a new bill with no reference to the “arrears”

the BBC will continue  to charged it as long as the sheep continue to pay

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1 hour ago, Snowy said:

To all those moaning about paying for a tv licence

the simple answer is don’t pay it

its a well known fact that it costs way more to chase the few millions that are owed

im now 51 and can honestly say I’ve never paid for a full year in my life, and I’m proud of that.

I know a few of you will be spitting out your tea or coffee over that


I ignore letters until I get threatened with court action, I then pay what’s owed BUT NO MORE

Await the next court letter and so on, this does not affect my credit rating one bit, because I’ve acted before court proceedings 

on average I pay about £60 per year, as soon as the new year starts I get a new bill with no reference to the “arrears”

the BBC will continue  to charged it as long as the sheep continue to pay

I wonder what would happen if I tried this form of evasion with HMRC,  DVLA or even the BA toll.

I have private health care that I pay a fortune for,  out of taxed income,  should I with hold part of my National Insurance payment as I don't use most of the NHS.!!

Snowy,  I hope you don't spit your tea out but I think you are morally wrong.

I also object to being compared to a sheep. Baa.



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Sorry to disappoint people, the fee may go to the BBC but the licence is to receive live radio and video transmitted from any legal source.

If you only watch catch up tv and NO ability to receive live broadcasted material from any source a licence is not needed.


PS try and find anyway to just get catch up and not live tv and you are onto a winner. The BBC give you the chance to watch live on any media IF you have a licence ergo you need a licence to watch catch up! Very clever!


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Does the BBC have faults? Yes, many.

Is that a reason to wish for it's demise? Absolutely not. It is one of the glories of the UK (and god knows there are few enough of those left). It annoys people on the political left, right and middle. Over the years it has produced output which no other broadcaster in the world can rival. Of course you can pick holes in it. Of course there is bias, but not always in the same direction (whatever the naysayers may claim).

So I will continue to pay my licence fee gladly. I would pay double that or more - just compare it to the cost of a Sky subscription. And I have nothing but contempt for those who seek to avoid paying it.

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