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Anyone For Yoga?


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Should the Authority be organising events that have absolutely no relevance to the Broads? Should a private individual wish to organise such events then so be it, all power to their elbow, but for it to come under the BA's banner, and expense, has to be questionable. Personally I see it as further evidence that the Authority has lost its way.

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Actually we get yoga once a week at work, paid for by the company, its great, relaxing, and I have found it not only relaxing, but it has helped my bad back too. we regularly have full classes and everyone has benifitted from doing it - so was it worth it for my company - you bet it was. to take 45 minutes out of a hectic day and come back relaxed and de-stressed, con only help a companies staff.

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2 hours ago, grendel said:

Actually we get yoga once a week at work, paid for by the company, its great, relaxing, and I have found it not only relaxing, but it has helped my bad back too. we regularly have full classes and everyone has benifitted from doing it - so was it worth it for my company - you bet it was. to take 45 minutes out of a hectic day and come back relaxed and de-stressed, con only help a companies staff.

Can't argue with that, Peter, but that's not really the issue. I accept that there is more to the Broads than just boating and fishing and that encouraging Broads related activities is no bad thing, but there is a limit! There is plenty to be done by the BA without it becoming involved in whimsical , unrelated projects that really should be the prerogative of the private sector, in my honest opinion.

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On 04/08/2018 at 15:35, JennyMorgan said:

Should the Authority be organising events that have absolutely no relevance to the Broads? Should a private individual wish to organise such events then so be it, all power to their elbow, but for it to come under the BA's banner, and expense, has to be questionable. Personally I see it as further evidence that the Authority has lost its way.

But the BA isn’t organising this event. ‘Lucy’ has organised other events, at other open-air venues, including Chapelfield Gardens in Norwich. I don’t recall reading any criticism of Norwich City Council for allowing it. Where is the evidence that the BA is financially involved?

Perhaps a reality check is needed here.

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Must confess having seen the original post on The Broads National Pike I had similar thoughts to Jenny and perhaps there is the lesson about being careful what you read!

I can find no mention or promotion of the event on The Broads Authority website. A bit more searching and I found a Facebook page for Yoga with Lucy. Seems she organises various yoga activities in public places, a couple of which are listed as being hosted by The Broads Authority, Whitlingham Country Park and yoga with Lucy.

The Whitlingham charitable trust website has a listing for the events along with a number of other activities taking place in the park.

There is also a listing on the Visit The Broads website, a tourism website run by The Broads Authority.

The Broads Authorities only involvement in promoting seems to be a listing on the tourism website. The organisation and bookings are all being run by yoga with Lucy. The outdoor venue is being provided by The Whitlingham Charitable Trust in conjunction with The Broads Authority.

Unless I've missed something in my little bit of research then the only story here is the unnecessary criticism of the event by a certain spider and pike. Seems they have used a very tenuous link to unnecessarily criticise The Broads Authority on this occasion.


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11 hours ago, Paladin said:

But the BA isn’t organising this event. ‘Lucy’ has organised other events, at other open-air venues, including Chapelfield Gardens in Norwich. I don’t recall reading any criticism of Norwich City Council for allowing it. Where is the evidence that the BA is financially involved?

Perhaps a reality check is needed here.

Indeed a reality check is needed! I'll quote from the Broads National Pike who states quite rightly that on the BA's events page the event is "Hosted by the Broads Authority" and the description says "Together with the Broads Authority, its time for us to create space in nature and enjoy sunlight painting us gold…". So that looks like the BA is involved with organising it. The article was simply a mild err-hem, naughty word, ****-take that a publicly funded body should be running yoga events instead of doing its statutory duties. We're not anti-yoga here at the Broads National Pike!

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As probably the single most prolific spin-doctor for the anti-BA cause - I believe I have seen your opinions on Facebook, the EDP and this forum just today, and trust me I was not seeking hem out - I would quote,

And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?

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30 minutes ago, batrabill said:

As probably the single most prolific spin-doctor for the anti-BA cause - I believe I have seen your opinions on Facebook, the EDP and this forum just today, and trust me I was not seeking hem out - I would quote,

And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?

Lets get one thing straight, once and for all,  my cause is NOT anti BA for that would be all inclusive and that is simply not true. My cause is quite simply for the well being of the Broads.

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I think this is a case of the Charitable Trust and the BA being criticised for doing what they are supposed to be doing under the National Planning Policy framework, paragraph 17 I think it is but my memory is not fantastic at the minute. They are under a directive to use buildings and land under their control to 'improve health, social and cultural wellbeing for all'.

Renting or lending out the village or school hall to the latest 'health fad' in order to tick a few boxes on the form labelled 'community engagement' is something that happens all over the country in schools and all community buildings wherever you see a Slimmers World poster. 

To be honest, there would have been a far bigger outcry if they had refused access to Whitlingham. Perhaps everyone could use a spot of chakra adjustment now and then? Right, I'm off to find out what a chakra actually is, whether mine needs adjusting and what size spanner I'll need to adjust them! :default_biggrin:

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2 hours ago, Timbo said:

I think this is a case of the Charitable Trust and the BA being criticised for doing what they are supposed to be doing under the National Planning Policy framework, paragraph 17 I think it is but my memory is not fantastic at the minute. They are under a directive to use buildings and land under their control to 'improve health, social and cultural wellbeing for all.

Spot on! But if what the BA do isn’t directly to the benefit of the navigation, there are those who conveniently forget that they have other legal duties.

I have been a vehement critic, and have submitted my own complaints, but I think I am seeing a definite shift from what had been substantial support for the die-hards, on several different platforms, to a feeling of ‘oh, no, not again’. I find that regrettable.

Sometimes a rapier can be a much more effective weapon than a bludgeon.

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1 hour ago, MauriceMynah said:

I no longer read the Pike. Used to be good but these days I get the feeling that he/she/it trawls through the BA activities looking for things to write about.

You forgot “they”.

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3 hours ago, Timbo said:

I think this is a case of the Charitable Trust and the BA being criticised for doing what they are supposed to be doing under the National Planning Policy framework, paragraph 17 I think it is but my memory is not fantastic at the minute. They are under a directive to use buildings and land under their control to 'improve health, social and cultural wellbeing for all'.

Renting or lending out the village or school hall to the latest 'health fad' in order to tick a few boxes on the form labelled 'community engagement' is something that happens all over the country in schools and all community buildings wherever you see a Slimmers World poster. 

To be honest, there would have been a far bigger outcry if they had refused access to Whitlingham. Perhaps everyone could use a spot of chakra adjustment now and then? Right, I'm off to find out what a chakra actually is, whether mine needs adjusting and what size spanner I'll need to adjust them! :default_biggrin:

I have absolutely no objection to health fads, e.g. yoga, being practised at Whitlingham. Indeed public use is a large part of the justification for Whitlingham Country Park and that should be supported. My grouse is the association by the Authority and the probable officer time wasted. A small issue perhaps but nevertheless it suggests a questionable and unhealthy shift away from Broads related issues. 

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54 minutes ago, JennyMorgan said:

I have absolutely no objection to health fads, e.g. yoga, being practised at Whitlingham. Indeed public use is a large part of the justification for Whitlingham Country Park and that should be supported. My grouse is the association by the Authority and the probable officer time wasted. A small issue perhaps but nevertheless it suggests a questionable and unhealthy shift away from Broads related issues. 

My main issue with the moorings at Whitlingham is that there is space for more mooring but there are notices saying that there is no mooring.

We have only been able to moor there once in the ten years plus that we have been on the Southern Rivers unless you count it as twice when we once tried to moor on the extension pontoon with the notice fixed on the top of the pontoon.  

From a layman's point of view those rusty pods need a face-lift.



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