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Hoveton Viaduct Moorings


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As it may be known to some the BA are about to start work to remove the quay heading of more than half of the 24 BA public moorings on the viaduct stretch at Hoveton. I guess we will have to see what happens here, as at a guess this will leave space for around 10ish boats were the moorings will be retained upstream of the rail bridge. 

I think it is just a shame and would like to think further BA 24hr moorings will become available elsewhere as a balance. (Though I very much doubt it). 

Yes It can be quiet there at times, however when the bridge heights are favourable it is often full during the main season. Just makes you wonder during the peek where all these boats that get put through Wroxham bridge by the pilots, where they will go, as upstream of Wroxham is often rammed. 

Just as well there are so many available moorings for everyone before Wroxham bridge so they can stop off in Wroxham/Hoveton!



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I thought the BA was refurbishing 150 metres of the Hoveton Viaduct moorings? They have recently cleared some of the trees to allow vehicle access for this purpose. They have given up approximately half of the moorings which, as I understand it, will revert to the landowner. The remainder will stay as BA 24 hour moorings. This has been on the cards for a couple of years now, I guess the lease is about to expire hence the action being taken. 

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As has been said this decision was announced a couple of years ago and followed a period of monitoring by a member of the navigation committee I spoke to who regularly walks his dog there,  as often is the case it comes down to timing with the year this was decided having generally higher water levels than we had this year with consequently fewer boats going through the bridge.


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13 minutes ago, SPEEDTRIPLE said:

We love Hoveton Viaduct moorings, some of the best moorings on the Broads, opposite the entrance to the small broad. Really peaceful, with amazing fishing.

We too have spent many happy times on these moorings, And yes at the height of the season they are absolutely packed, Unfortunately, we have recently changed boats and our new one would find it very difficult getting under the bridge, I just feel sorry for those that can and then find it too full and end up having to double up which the BA is actively trying to encourage. 

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Not sure that double mooring is allowed on this mooring? It is only a few moorings where it is permissible.

Don't forget that a lot of the issues on moorings concern the longer term maintenance and if my memory serves me right, this is, or at least, part is, owned by the EA who I suspect no longer wish to commit to that.

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2 minutes ago, marshman said:

Not sure that double mooring is allowed on this mooring? It is only a few moorings where it is permissible.

Don't forget that a lot of the issues on moorings concern the longer term maintenance and if my memory serves me right, this is, or at least, part is, owned by the EA who I suspect no longer wish to commit to that.

These moorings are one of those alongside Horning and Wroxham Island etc  that the BA tried to enforce double mooring on in 2013 that is the bit that doesn't make sense of the decision to close half of them now, I understand there could be cost issues but not being due to their underuse. 


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57 minutes ago, marshman said:

It is only a few moorings where it is permissible.


From BA’s own list, there are 17 moorings where double alongside mooring is permissible. More than ‘only a few’!

It’s a great shame that half of these moorings will disappear, it is a lovely quiet area. I have no idea how much they are used during peak season but if, as people say, they are very busy then, there will inevitably be a problem. 



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We`ve never seen them anywhere near full, and sometimes empty, that`s what i like about them, quiet and peaceful and a couple of minutes walk to Hoveton town centre.  And with excellent fishing, the best of all worlds.  This is the reason why we bought a share in Lightning, so we can enjoy the peace and quiet above the bridges. Back in June, we actually go Lightning up to Coltishall Lock, and passing the Common, the moorings were full, but we had every intention of returning to Hoveton viaduct moorings, where we had a lovely peaceful evenings fishing.  The only down side is there are no water hoses, so you have to fill up elsewhere.  Does the former Porter and Haylet or Conniesuer Cruisers yard still have riverside hoses for public use?.

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10 minutes ago, SPEEDTRIPLE said:

Does the former Porter and Haylet or Conniesuer Cruisers yard still have riverside hoses for public use?.

There is a water hose on the main river outside of the private moorings. You can also phone for a pumpout there too (although we never have done). 

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