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Chaos At Reedham?


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13 minutes ago, JennyMorgan said:

We certainly did back in the 1970's. Jimmy Hoseason was remarkably adept at buttonholing potential customers to suit the various yard's specifications. Alec Hampton's preferred customer specifications were the most stringent of all the Oulton Broad yards and he probably had the longest season of any of us. Whilst I can see the need for just about any customer right now I have always regarded Alec's approach as being the right one in the long term.  Competing with Faliraki or Benidorm, perhaps not! 

Remember a canal operator interviewed by I think Waterways World in the 1980s saying he used Blakes as his agent because it attracted a better class of hirer!

I must have passed the Hampton test as I hired Regal Safari back in the mid 80s.

At Reedham I seem to recall you could moor, using rhond anchors, on the far side in the 60s/70s if the quay was full as it was meadow.

I wonder who got paid for the EDP photograph? Bit of mischief  and a non story really.


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10 minutes ago, Hylander said:

I have some Blakes coat hangers in doors.    They were left on our boat when we bought it.

Sounds like a potential eBay offering!  The "A" flag or "B" Flag?


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No different to when the Ferry is operating. If one boat hesitates then so does the next and so on. Had the GP's kept over to the right then there would have been room for the hire boats to slip through bridge quite safely. I mean no disrespect to the GP Navy but it appears that if they stick to the centre of the river then, theoretically, they won't hit anything, a comfort thing I suppose. Someone made a comment that it was an RYA organised event. I have actually been on one of those events, what an admission! Some were there to learn but I couldn't help feeling that more than one of them was there because they hadn't and never would have  the confidence to be there otherwise. However, anything that helps folk get out on the water has to be encouraged. We all had to start somewhere! Convoys of boats, like convoys of caravans, can be a real pain in the bum for those of us caught up with them. If anything can be learned from this event then perhaps the organisers could explain to the GPs that they should slow down near moored boats and keep to the right when passing through Reedham Bridge!  Effectively an absolute non news event!

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1 hour ago, JennyMorgan said:

No different to when the Ferry is operating. If one boat hesitates then so does the next and so on. Had the GP's kept over to the right then there would have been room for the hire boats to slip through bridge quite safely. I mean no disrespect to the GP Navy but it appears that if they stick to the centre of the river then, theoretically, they won't hit anything, a comfort thing I suppose. Someone made a comment that it was an RYA organised event. I have actually been on one of those events, what an admission! Some were there to learn but I couldn't help feeling that more than one of them was there because they hadn't and never would have  the confidence to be there otherwise. However, anything that helps folk get out on the water has to be encouraged. We all had to start somewhere! Convoys of boats, like convoys of caravans, can be a real pain in the bum for those of us caught up with them. If anything can be learned from this event then perhaps the organisers could explain to the GPs that they should slow down near moored boats and keep to the right when passing through Reedham Bridge!  Effectively an absolute non news event!

GPs   ??    No wonder you cannot see a doctor they all out on the river.

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