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What If....?


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Hi all,

Just a thought. 
Although not obligated to end lockdown in December and can extend lockdown 2 to January pressure is growing to toughen up the Tier measures. 
Indeed the stance from ministers is going from we will definitely end lockdown in December to we will save Christmas. 
In the tier system travel from a higher tier to a lower one is banned. 
Not being funny here but those who haven’t winterised their boats thinking they could wait until lockdown 2 ends could be in a world of hurt. 
I guess it all depends what tier you live in but personally the lack of a run up to this lockdown and it coming on in the middle of a work week has given many no chance. 

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Not sure if this will help but winterising is not really necessary until winter actually arrives. Winters are not as harsh these days meaning far less risk. In fact last winter we never 'winterised' the boats at all.

I am not at all concerned until the beast from the east, the big freeze (or whatever they call the next one) actually gets here.

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It is surprising how bad it has to be before full winterizing is absolutely essential. Of course if you are a good distance from your boat it makes good sense to do it for obvious reasons not least being that the same bad weather may make the journey impossible.

I'm sure that everyone who moors in a marina Woolf be able to approac the owner for help in an emergency.

That's not to make light of the worry and possible expense but hopefully the very worst cases can hopefully be avoided whatever measures transpire

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Thanks! As an east coast sailer my boat went up on the hard for winter so it was safe but I missed some lovely winter sailing. 
This time around I spurned the offer from my boatyard for winter hard standing determined to cruise in the winter. 
oh hindsight. 
Fishing sounds a good idea....

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14 minutes ago, Cheesey69 said:

This time around I spurned the offer from my boatyard for winter hard standing determined to cruise in the winter. 

So having your boat in the water is much better protection, from the ice damage point of view.  A boat out of the water is totally exposed to the ambient temperature around it.  That includes any osmosis bubbles in the bottom, by the way!


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I decided to write this silly poem just in case you do winterise on Christmas Day.    I am no poet.


Was the night before Christmas and all through the night 

Henry was contemplating the early morning flight 

up to the marina for a treat was in store 

instead of Roast Turkey it was winterising , such a bore 

draining, draining , waiting, waiting, in goes the antifreeze , sea cocks  

all open,   dropping off  for a nap when he is suddenly awoken 

thinking of the long journey home of the feast he had missed  

(yes you know what is coming now) imagining 

that everyone was now probably inebriated. 


Who’d own a boat you are thinking but then again just take stock 

it wont be long and Spring will be here with the turn of the clock  

and yes the sun will shine 

your boat will be safe and you will be on cloud nine. 



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