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Fishing Announcement


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43 minutes ago, grendel said:

but the speed limits and their locations are not written into the law, so they are guidance, much the same as travel is permitted.


Leaving your home to exercise is permitted once a day provided relevant guidelines are followed. 

so the guidelines say travel locally only for exercise.

And therein lies the problem, you have used a quote from the BA website which is not official legislation. The phrase "Leaving your home to exercise is permitted once a day provided relevant guidelines are followed" does not appear in the Corona Virus legislation. It does not even appear on the .gov.uk guidance page. The official guidance states;

"You can continue to exercise alone, with one other person or with your household or support bubble. This should be limited to once per day, and you should not travel outside your local area.You should maintain social distancing. See exercising."

Is states you "should", it doesn't state you "must only" and is guidance. There is also not a time limit as others elsewhere are suggesting of an hour. Again the guidance states "You should minimise time spent outside your home," It doesn't set limits.

The gist of the BA advice and the .gov.uk guidance are similar, but subtly different and people should be following the legislation and guidance from the Government. The use of the word permitted, rather than should is key. In the government guidance they often use the word should, which is what you ought to do, or in other words a suggestion, they also could use the word "must" which would be what you've got to do, or permitted which is what you may do.

So should only exercise once per day is a suggestion. An active person may choose to exercise more than once.

You must not exercise more than once per day would put an absolute upper limit on the amount of times you could exercise.

You are permitted (the BA's version) means you are allowed to once per day. It is more restrictive than the government legislation or guidance.

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Angling Trust: 07/01/2021

Good morning everyone The Government have now formally responded to the representations made by the Angling Trust. We have promoted the huge benefits of fishing on individual health and wellbeing and have been able to present a case to which the Government have listened. On this basis I am pleased to announce that fishing will be permitted during the third national lockdown. The Head of Sports Participation at DCMS confirmed the following; “fishing is allowed as exercise so long as participants adhere to the rules on staying local, gathering limits, social distancing and limiting the time spent outdoors” This has also been confirmed by DEFRA; “Cabinet Office have now officially confirmed that angling / fishing (incl. sea fishing off private boats, water sports) can be considered exercise and are hence permitted.” We have worked extremely hard to reach this position and we as anglers have a duty to abide by the strict conditions under which fishing is once again permitted. With infection rates and death tolls rising we must stick to the Government’s rules and ensure that angling remains part of the solution and does not cause problems. Please bear in mind these key points which will be reflected in the new Angling Trust guidelines which we will publish shortly: - This is a strictly limited resumption of LOCAL fishing and very different to how we have been allowed to operate since May - We are in a National Lockdown and this must be respected. The law requires a ‘reasonable excuse’ to leave your home or penalties will apply. - The government has recognised that fishing can be seen as exercise, which is expressly permitted under the lockdown rules, although outdoor recreation is not. - Organised sporting gatherings are prohibited so no match fishing. - The exercise is limited to once a day so no overnight fishing whatsoever. - To remain within the law you should follow the government’s guidance, and only fish locally within the district where you live. If you have no local fishing available then you will have to take your daily exercise in other ways. We are once again able to enjoy the sport we love at a time when many others can not and we must ensure that every angler adheres to the rules. I would ask all anglers who are not members to join the Angling Trust and give us your support. We have worked tirelessly to achieve this outcome and that is only possible thanks to the support of our new and existing members. I would ask all anglers who value their ability to go fishing to make the same commitment as your fellow anglers have and join the Angling Trust. We are stronger together! Membership - Angling Trust https://anglingtrust.net/membership/ Stay safe and very best fishes Jamie Cook CEO – Angling Trust

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7 minutes ago, Meantime said:

The gist of the BA advice and the .gov.uk guidance are similar, but subtly different and people should be following the legislation and guidance from the Government. The use of the word permitted, rather than should is key. In the government guidance they often use the word should, which is what you ought to do, or in other words a suggestion, they also could use the word "must" which would be what you've got to do, or permitted which is what you must do.

The Authority is provably adept at re-wording Government announcements. 

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once again we are getting bogged down in the actual wording, the government guidelines are clearly laid out no matter which authority interpretation we quote. local travel only for exercise. 

I do trust that none of those anglers will be tempted to sit down while angling, as that would surely make it recreational :-)

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3 minutes ago, JennyMorgan said:

That seems like a common sense approach by the government and good news for anglers, but I can see there being a lot of upset golfers who could reasonably argue that walking around 18 holes alone, dragging a golf trolley is good exercise, or at least more exercise than sitting on a river bank fishing!

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3 minutes ago, Meantime said:

I can see there being a lot of upset golfers who could reasonably argue that walking around 18 holes alone, dragging a golf trolley is good exercise

Arguably it is a good walk ruined! That aside golfing was previously allowed, perhaps there will be another rethink.

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15 minutes ago, Jemaki said:

“Cabinet Office have now officially confirmed that angling / fishing (incl. sea fishing off private boats, water sports)

That may have opened a can of worms? Does that mean that if you live local you can now water ski, or even wake board again on The Broads, but you wouldn't be allowed to just cruise?

I think the government has probably made a mistake in removing the recreation element as an exemption, when there are a lot of other outdoors recreational activities other than fishing, which allow one to enjoy the outdoors alone.

The farce now is that you can walk 10 mins along a river bank and sit down and fish, yet you shouldn't walk 10 mins along the river bank and sit down and read a newspaper or book, or eat a picnic alone or with your household.

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20 minutes ago, Meantime said:

The farce now is that you can walk 10 mins along a river bank and sit down and fish, yet you shouldn't walk 10 mins along the river bank and sit down and read a newspaper or book, or eat a picnic alone or with your household.

Are you sure? 

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2 minutes ago, JennyMorgan said:

Are you sure? 

Source gov.uk

You cannot leave home for recreational or leisure purposes (such as for a picnic or a social meeting).

This was the source of a lot of complaints during the first lockdown with benches having hazard tape on them etc. You are allowed to exercise, walking is good exercise, but the moment you stop and sit to take in the surroundings or to rest, or read a book, or picnic, you are no longer exercising, it becomes recreation which is not allowed, unless you happen to be sitting in front of water with a rod in your hand.

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This is a result for fishermen, clearly, but I cannot understand how fishing can be classified as exercise when to do it, one is sitting on a stool with your rod (or rods) in a rod rest.  
There are lots of forms of recreation that we cannot currently pursue under current guidance and as stated earlier in the thread, golf is one that is unfathomable.  At least walking around a course dragging a trolley can reasonably be described as exercise and I am saying that as someone who has stated many times that golf is a good walk spoilt.

Once again, there is further confusion of the understanding of the guidelines to which we are all supposed to be following.  I am not currently allowed to fly my drone for recreational purposes, but I am struggling to see the difference between that and fishing in terms of health benefits through exercise when being outside doing something I enjoy would help combat the utter feeling of depression that I am suffering.

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29 minutes ago, Meantime said:


The farce now is that you can walk 10 mins along a river bank and sit down and fish, yet you shouldn't walk 10 mins along the river bank and sit down and read a newspaper or book, or eat a picnic alone or with your household.

Not a farce at all, only within the relms of a social media forum where over discussing something is quite common. The right advice came at Christmas when we were invited to take responsibility ourselves and not wait for the letter of the law.

Then there's solidarity which seems to have gone out of the window. Anyone looking for an excuse to do something when the rest of can't is hardly thinking we're all in this together. 

Oops, sorry, I forgot; I was thinking back to a time when there was no such thing as the mental health trump card to play. Just me living in the past.

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13 minutes ago, Mouldy said:

This is a result for fishermen, clearly, but I cannot understand how fishing can be classified as exercise when to do it, one is sitting on a stool with your rod (or rods) in a rod rest.  
There are lots of forms of recreation that we cannot currently pursue under current guidance and as stated earlier in the thread, golf is one that is unfathomable.  At least walking around a course dragging a trolley can reasonably be described as exercise and I am saying that as someone who has stated many times that golf is a good walk spoilt.

Once again, there is further confusion of the understanding of the guidelines to which we are all supposed to be following.  I am not currently allowed to fly my drone for recreational purposes, but I am struggling to see the difference between that and fishing in terms of health benefits through exercise when being outside doing something I enjoy would help combat the utter feeling of depression that I am suffering.

While although as an angler I am not in favour of opening this up I can say that as exercise lure fishing probably out does golf  as you can walk miles constantly casting and retrieving the same applies to fly fishing.


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19 minutes ago, rightsaidfred said:

While although as an angler I am not in favour of opening this up I can say that as exercise lure fishing probably out does golf  as you can walk miles constantly casting and retrieving the same applies to fly fishing.


I’m neither a golfer, nor an angler, but to me I can see more exercise value in walking 4 miles around a golf course, swinging a club more than seventy times, than casting a fishing line.

The other aspect of this is that we are only supposed to exercise for a hour per day.  How many anglers will conform to this?  I cannot see anyone getting all of their tackle ready, fishing and packing it all away within an hour.  Anglers will be out all day, which does not comply with the guidelines that we are supposed to follow.

I could take my drone out, fly it and be back home within a hour, therefore fulfilling my personal requirements to have some exercise, get some fresh air, whilst being on on my own.  I don’t get the difference.

Once again, Boris’s boys have put rules and guidelines in place, which some sections of society don’t seem to be able to accept and the government have succumbed to lobbying.


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just think of all that exercise lugging all that fishing gear from the boot of the car to the river bank, and then almost immediately lugging it all back again just as they have got it set up(presuming of course the aforementioned limit of 1 hour) if they are really quick they may even get the fishing line wet {i am glad i dont do fishing}

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