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One Way Of Doing It!


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If I hadn't seen this with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed it! This is on the Canal du Midi at Puicheric, and it is a self propelled dredger.




The two sections are probably watertight but obviously not buoyant, as it simply walks along the bottom of the canal doing dredging or bank work, attended by a barge to take the spoil away.




When they have finished, they just drive it up onto the bank, on caterpillar tracks. I imagine the whole thing comes apart in two halves, and can then be transported on low loaders. Maybe I shall find out in the next few days!

The bottom of the canal is all firm ground at exactly the same depth, so perfect for an idea like this.  I am not sure it would be much use on Barton Broad, though!

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They have had similar bits of kit here - except they float. Every now and again I know the BA have hired one for very inaccessible spots - years ago they had one working for a time on Reedham Water and a little more recently on Hickling.

To be fair not seen it around for several years although equally, I am too old now to be bumming around in the middle of a marsh and on thin hover!!!

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