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Dog Overboard


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If any members are on the water a 14yr black lab, which is deaf, has been lost somewhere between Salhouse and Wroxham, it does not state if she was wearing a lifejacket or not.


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We passed them near to Salhouse, they were up top frantically scouring the banks but did not say anything to us, I said to Eileen that something had occurred and that it may be a dog. We kept a sharp out out as we progressed but saw nothing, it was only when we arrived at our mooring in Horning that Herbert Woods posted "Missing Dog" alert. Had we known earlier we would have helped with the search, an old picture of the dog has emerged and it looks quite frail and being deaf is going to be a hinderence if she managed to climb out as it is fairly dense woodland along that stretch.

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18 minutes ago, Chelsea14Ian said:

A few years back,there was a boat in front of us.There dog fell into the water.We were a bit in front of us.I put my foot down to get close.Took some time to get the dog on board. Was a bit worrying at times got close to the prop.

Our dog fell off the boat on a regular basis. Fortunately we could see him from wherever he was on the boat so could see when he fell in and he had the sense to swim to the back to be fished out again. (His legs are not long enough to reach the props!!) 


Brilliant news that the dog in question has been found.

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