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New Upmarket Waterfront??


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Won’t add anything to us boaters other than flats with a view. 
worked on too many of these developments in London, Norwich and the medway that they simply don’t add much except to those that can afford to live there. Even then the place becomes a dormitory town. Bars and like may spring up but it’s at a dangerous tidal flow.
As a side note, beware any river side developments hoping to improve the lot of the boating community because they just don’t. Nor do they add much other than council tax to the local economy. Did a job once and the selling point was views over a cricket ground. Within a year the residents was lobbying the council to restrict the practice and playing of cricket to very specific times and the club to provide collapsible sight screens 

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Not if its Town Centric! Although to be fair its a long way from the centre.

Alan - what sort of moorings had you in mind? The current one IMHO serves well - it does what it says on the can - you are never going to see one surrounded by bistros, restaurants and pleasant plazas ideal for an evening stroll, I am afraid!

You have to remember its a long hard winter in Gt Yarmouth and the Town has few if any attractions in winter. There is virtually no river traffic and given the shorter daylight hours, few people would venture south which is why, I guess, the Yacht Station is not manned overwinter.

Show that picture at Low Water in the middle of winter, and it may portray a differing view!!

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