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perhaps- just maybe if the Broads Authority are no longer sending letters and using emails instead it could make sense. Otherwise it just seems to be petty vindictiveness..

and to give no explanation why lacks common courtesy.

I do admit i snorted into my coffee when I read

"the two organisations share many common aims - primarily the desire to promote the Broads as a premier destination for sailing and boating."

Really? since when have the broads Authority displayed the desire to promote the broads for sailing and boating, it always seems they want rid of all the pesky boaters.

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1 minute ago, grendel said:

perhaps- just maybe if the Broads Authority are no longer sending letters and using emails instead it could make sense. Otherwise it just seems to be petty vindictiveness..

and to give no explanation why lacks common courtesy.

I do admit i snorted into my coffee when I read

"the two organisations share many common aims - primarily the desire to promote the Broads as a premier destination for sailing and boating."

Really? since when have the broads Authority displayed the desire to promote the broads for sailing and boating, it always seems they want rid of all the pesky boaters.

You might like to look at this, then:


Good to see that The Broads Society are promoting the Notional Park as a National Park.

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5 minutes ago, Mouldy said:

You might like to look at this, then:


Good to see that The Broads Society are promoting the Notional Park as a National Park.

3 to 5pm,

Great time to hold the meeting 😂

That should exclude anyone who works or has children but will appeal to certain academics and the retired.

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22 minutes ago, ExSurveyor said:

3 to 5pm,

Great time to hold the meeting 😂

That should exclude anyone who works or has children but will appeal to certain academics and the retired.

I guess that hiring the venue in the evening would (a) cost more and (b) attract the wrong audience.

Isn’t it good to know that the future of The Broads and navigation in particular, is in such safe hands! :default_coat:

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Is it the BA's job to distribute promotional leaflets for an Association, that to read back over the last 15 years, has hardly been a favourite amongst Forumites?? In fact I don't think I have ever seen a favourable post, rightly or wrongly, concerning the NBSA. It would be nice if, out of toll revenue, they assisted in contributing to both the Wherry Trust and Wherry Yacht Charter Trust but thats not the BA's function -  neither is it to be a postman for promotional literature I am afraid.

For what its worth, not a lot I am afraid, is my view!!!

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In that case would it not have been more appropriate to contact the NSBA in advance to inform them that unfortunately they could no longer distribute the leaflet rather than saying come and collect them we are not doing it anymore.   Sounds like someone with a grudge to me. 

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The positions of the various Broadland organisations seems to be polarising, which I think may hopefully be a good thing in the long run.

The odd thing about the mailing situation is that it seems to suggest BA have been doing it for free in the past. With a co-mailing situation like this, you'd expect either a commercial charge, or a reciprocal arrangement of some description. If BA have included a flyer, typically, they might charge 10p per customer, so NSBA might get a £1k bill, but it's still way cheaper than doing a dedicated mailing themselves. Maybe NSBA have included some sort of PR in Green Book mailings in exchange - if not, BA would be remiss to be doing things for free.

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This is clearly a fall out between two parties and of course the first to complain takes the higher ground. No surprise there then. So after the relationship deteriorated why didn't someone from the NBSA have the foresight to contact th BA BEFORE pressing start on the printing press? Because they thought couldn't lose. How can you criticise someone and expect a gentleman's agreement to stay intact? Pathetic.

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18 hours ago, ExSurveyor said:

3 to 5pm,

Great time to hold the meeting 😂

That should exclude anyone who works or has children but will appeal to certain academics and the retired.

And at only £2 admission??

As for the leaflets, it wouldn't be because the NSBA are now trying to employ a KC to challenge the tolls and BA accounting by any chance, smells a bit like a child sulking and taking its toys away when it can't have it all its own way.



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53 minutes ago, rightsaidfred said:

You couldn`t make it up, more twist and turns than a who dun it.


Agreed. The performance of the BA over the last few years has left me so sceptical that I don't believe their latest press release and suspect that these are just words to appease us.  

There is only one way to overcome this scepticism and that is to publish simple accounts showing how the Toll income and mooring income is spent, which should be solely on navigation issues and how other income i.e. government grants etc is spent.

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