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A Holiday (on) Melody

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Jayne 2 is probably the lowest boat in Marthams fleet I think when they rebuilt her they shortened her by a few inches to future proof her getting through the bridge, I dont know the exact figure but probably around 5'6", and worse case they can trailer the boats round to a slip the right side of the bridge (or ask herbert woods to borrow the crane for a few minutes)

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53 minutes ago, grendel said:

Jayne 2 is probably the lowest boat in Marthams fleet I think when they rebuilt her they shortened her by a few inches to future proof her getting through the bridge, I dont know the exact figure but probably around 5'6", and worse case they can trailer the boats round to a slip the right side of the bridge (or ask herbert woods to borrow the crane for a few minutes)

You make it sound easy! I can only think of the mild hassle of 'portaging' a canoe so I imagine portaging a river cruiser to be a nightmare! Lol

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6 hours ago, grendel said:

worse case they can trailer the boats round to a slip the right side of the bridge (or ask herbert woods to borrow the crane for a few minutes)

Have either of those ever happened in practice?

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Great holiday tale, now looking forward to my break in July on Pacific Sunshine. I noticed in the photos they show Juliette, not sure if Jayne was around as well. Either way she needs about 5ft 11 for Potter so would take a miracle to get under unless they ballast here down. Believe it hasn't seen more than 5ft 9 in recent weeks so they must be Either running here from Potter or getting the whole yard on here to way here down 


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  • 3 weeks later...
On 09/04/2024 at 04:05, Vaughan said:

You could often see a Hoopoe at this time of year, flying over the river in the area around the Postwick marshes and Bramerton.  If you see something looking a bit like a Jay but with black and white striped wings, that might be a Hoopoe.

Best seen in the early morning, about an hour after dawn.

I see in the EDP - and the national papers - that someone has had a Hoopoe in their garden in Norfolk for 3 days.

Where I live, the first call of the Hoopoe in the morning is like the first cuckoo of spring.  I saw one 2 weeks ago, on the same piece of canal bank where they had successfully bred last year, so it may be one of that brood.

Since then the weather around here has turned very bad for the last 2 weeks and I have not seen or heard another one.  They have probably had enough sense to stay in Africa for a bit!  The bee-eaters don't seem to have arrived yet either and we usually get a lot of those, in the vineyards.

Don't tell me . . . .  global warming!

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Global warming maybe, nature will find a way back (hopefully) but I do know for certain, regardless of what ever is happening in the world, we must protect the vineyards at all costs (hic) :default_biggrin:

Grace x

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