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Busy at Wroxham


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I have been here for three weeks now, and not due home for another 7 days, its very busy at Ludham bridge too, lots of 'silly season' boating with little regard to any instuctions from the yards or colregs, some of the worst inceidents we have spotted have been from private boat owners who simply should know better, kids on the bows of their boats, legs dangling and without life jackets on whilst they are transiting the bridge from upstream at some considerable speed, and without knowing what may face them as they enter the downsteam bend outside the boatyard.

It just makes me shudder to think what would happen if a dayboat suddenly left the boatyard moorings or an inexperianced hirer was to enter the space unexpectantly, instead of a clash of rubbing strakes, it would be the childrens legs that got injured in this act of foolishness.

There have been a few boats stuck side ways on across the channel due to the high winds blowing across the marshes today and the inexperianced helms trying to 'fight the wheel' in order to stay on the straight, luckily plenty of help around to get them free, but it doesnt help when people blatently disregard the notices on the demasting moorings, and moor bow to stern tightly upto the mouth of the bridge whilst they nip to the shop or the pub, it caused a very close shave indeed today for one of the EW yachts who came to within inches of stiking the bridge.

It will be even busier in the area tommorrow when the bank holiday hireboats are returning to the yards whilst the yachts from the Barton regatta will be heading downstream for home, many lashed to the side of a motorboat or towing behind and unable to reverse at the bridge, the fun and games will really start then :naughty:

Julz :wave

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Talking of the 'silly season', just witnessed quite a few nuggets on the Ant over the Bank Holiday weekend, not least of all speeding boats and mainly those were dare I say it privateers. What we did witness which truly shocked us and we think something should be done about it is - children - yes children being allowed to helm boats without any suitable adult anywhere to be seen. Surely that must be against the law.

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We were out on the Ant and the Bure on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. We experienced widespread speeding, unsupervised children driving, dangerous jumping off at staithes, engines being endlessly run at moorings, excessively loud music, loutish shouting and swearing, several collisions and every manner of thoughtlessness regarding others. Moored at Horning Church Staithe one afternoon and many times felt we would almost be lifted on to the staithe by massive wash from passing boats, both hire and private.

Thoroughly enjoyed our trip despite the trials and tribulations. However, we spent three days on the water, and didn't see a single Ranger. There's no-one keeping order out there!

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I agree about the non appearance of Rangers. Notice the shed at Irstead was well and truly locked up each time we came past.

So we were not the only folk to notice the unaccompanied children helming cruisers!! Would those parents let a child of 9 or 10 drive their precious car out on the M25, no of course not and it should be against the law for it to happen on the waterways. What would happen if there was a collision , would the outcry be ' nothing can be done as the child was under a certain age'. A few really hefty fines and this would be nipped in the bud.

We were extremely lucky as to be in a nice peaceful spot in the trees and quite frankly that was the only place to be, nevertheless, one boat came past at such a speed that we and others (we could hear them banging the irons in again) were almost ripped from our moorings.

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We have just returned from 12 days afloat and can say that we Never saw

a ranger on the water Anywhere!

We saw one guy pass us on the way up from Yarmouth drinking Fosters and driving

on the Left Side of the river all the way up to Stokesby where he stopped

off for a top-up....

Everyone coming down had to pass him on our side of the river and even a Funnels

boat helmed by a yard employee who was towing a bare hull side on, heading fo

Horning, had to pass him on his starboard side despite numerous bursts of the horn.

It was a Gem of a boat....... ;)

Later we were passed by a NBD flybridge with the guy driving with his feet, he was

perched on a high chair! :evil:

We also have a photo of a private boat coming over Breydon so fast that a Challenger

from Ricko's almost went out of sight in the trough it left!! Yes we have the photo's

and will be sending it to the BA. Luckily we were going against the wash but cups fell

off the worktop as we were lifted out of the water and I had turned into the wash.

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We actually saw a ranger a few times in our week down south.

On the Friday morning there appeared to be a lot of oil in the water in Loddon basin and some of the ducks appeared to have oil stuck to them so we rang the BA river control number. 45 minutes later a Ranger appeared on his boat to investigate.

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We were out on the Ant and the Bure on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. We experienced widespread speeding, unsupervised children driving, dangerous jumping off at staithes, engines being endlessly run at moorings, excessively loud music, loutish shouting and swearing, several collisions There's no-one keeping order out there!

The Norfolk Broads in Peak Season ! :lol::lol::lol:

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The Accident at Wroxham bridge occured at around 2.30pm on bank holiday Saturday afternoon, and involved a 20yr old lad who was onboard Blue Horizon 3 as it was transiting the bridge, its not clear if they tried to do this without the bridge pilot onboard, or if it was a case of them not realising at the time that the lad was actually out on deck.

He was seriously injured and the air ambulance was called, and an area of the Kings arms gardens screened off and used as a triage area to treat and stabilize the casualty, and treat his family for shock, before he was flown off to Adenbrookes hospital special trauma unit, where he is receiving treatment for serious head injuries.

I just hope he makes a full recovery given the appropiate treatment and time to heal,

Julz :wave

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What happened to the poor dog at Richardsons?

We think it died of a stroke due to being on a boat, as it wasnt that old, just a really big dog, it took 3 to lift it off !

The reason i know is that Father Inlaw owns a Pet Cemetary, it the first boat death hes collected.

Poor Dog :(:cry

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