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2013 Spring Meet (Fri, 29 March - Mon, 1st April)

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Where at Oulton Broad can we Park our Cars ?

Will there be a base camp near the waters edge ?

Where are you Parking the Boats ? :Stinky:Sailing

Hi Brian, all the boats will be in the OBYS, you will be more than welcome to leave any belongings on our boat. We will most probably set up on the quay heading outside the Harbour Masters office. There is a car park behind the office, it is a pay and display, about £4.00 per day.

Did you have any luck finding the top for the white gazebo, it would be great if we could set that up nearby. If so i could drive over and pick it up.


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Col, hi.

I had hoped we'd set up on the concrete just inside the security gate. Then we don't have a problem with the public. cheers

One thing about being in a "public space" is that the public can come and join in, and get to know about the forum. It`s a good way of introducing possible new members to what the forum is all about, and the folks that contribute to it.

Regards to all ...................... Neil.

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One thing about being in a "public space" is that the public can come and join in, and get to know about the forum. It`s a good way of introducing possible new members to what the forum is all about, and the folks that contribute to it.

Regards to all ...................... Neil.

Very true Neil.


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One thing about being in a "public space" is that the public can come and join in, and get to know about the forum. It`s a good way of introducing possible new members to what the forum is all about, and the folks that contribute to it.

Regards to all ...................... Neil.


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One thing about being in a "public space" is that the public can come and join in, and get to know about the forum. It`s a good way of introducing possible new members to what the forum is all about, and the folks that contribute to it.

Regards to all ...................... Neil.

I should have said (and what I meant was): "Then we don't have a problem with the public's kids running into bar-b's"

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Hi John, Is there any space left? If so, count us in.....

Andy, Sally, Megan / Evening Star / Sat-Sun / Stern / No

cheers! Andy

You're in luck, Andy! Simon & Sonia had to pull out and so we do have one space left!

(And you're the only one who doesn't need Leccy... unless Brian's car needs a top-up!) :bow:bow

Names, Boat Name, Days, Stern/Side, Leccy Yes/No

John, Mary-Jane, Neil & Karen, Friday Girl, Thurs-Mon, Stern, Yes

Col, Lou, Jay & Connor, Already there

Mike & Jan, Serenity, Thurs- Sun, Stern, Yes

Gav & Annie, Escape, Fri-Mon, Side, Yes

Paul, Lorna, Sam & James, Peters Joy, Stern, Sat-Mon, Yes

Luke & Claire, Job Done, Fri-Mon, Stern, Yes

Richard, Amanda, Zoe & Laura, Jasperoo, Fri-Sun, Stern, Yes

Heather, Ian & Rachel, Clandestine, Fri-Mon, Stern, Yes

Mark & Sue, Secret Lady, Fri-Mon, Stern, Yes

Mark & Jill, Fallen Angel, Fri-Mon, Stern, Yes

Keith & Carole, Escape11, Fri-Mon, Stern, Yes

Will, Jill & Emilia, Cornflake Girl, Fri-Sun, Stern, Yes

Ian & Cristina, Strictly Business, Fri-Sun, Stern, Yes

Adam & Suzanne, Sea Hunter, Already there.

Debbie & David, Lollipop, Fri-Sun, Stern, Yes

Dave & Diane, Alfresco, Thur-Mon, Stern, Yes

Peter & Rena, Tumbleweed, Sat-Mon, Side preferred, Yes

Jerry, Kim & Ella, Montrachet, Fri-Sun, Stern, Yes

Andy & Karen, Aquafrolic, Fri-Mon, Stern, Yes

Peter & Elaine, Her Outdoors, Fri-Sun, Stern, Yes

Phil & Helen, Liquid Limo, Thurs-Mon, Stern, Yes

Andy, Sally & Megan, Evening Star, Sat-Sun, Stern, No

People Travelling by car.

Brian, Clare, Marcus, Rachel

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  • 2 weeks later...

A couple of spaces now as two boats have dropped out:

Names, Boat Name, Days, Stern/Side, Leccy Yes/No

John, Mary-Jane, Neil & Karen, Friday Girl, Thurs-Mon, Stern, Yes

Col, Lou, Jay & Connor, Already there

Mike & Jan, Serenity, Thurs- Sun, Stern, Yes

Gav & Annie, Escape, Fri-Mon, Side, Yes

Paul, Lorna, Sam & James, Peters Joy, Stern, Sat-Mon, Yes

Luke & Claire, Job Done, Fri-Mon, Stern, Yes

Richard, Amanda, Zoe & Laura, Jasperoo, Fri-Sun, Stern, Yes

Heather, Ian & Rachel, Clandestine, Fri-Mon, Stern, Yes

Mark & Sue, Secret Lady, Fri-Mon, Stern, Yes

Mark & Jill, Fallen Angel, Fri-Mon, Stern, Yes

Keith & Carole, Escape11, Fri-Mon, Stern, Yes

Will, Jill & Emilia, Cornflake Girl, Fri-Sun, Stern, Yes

Ian & Cristina, Strictly Business, Fri-Sun, Stern, Yes

Adam & Suzanne, Sea Hunter, Already there.

Debbie & David, Lollipop, Fri-Sun, Stern, Yes

Dave & Diane, Alfresco, Thur-Mon, Stern, Yes

Peter & Rena, Tumbleweed, Sat-Mon, Side preferred, Yes

Peter & Elaine, Her Outdoors, Fri-Sun, Stern, Yes

Phil & Helen, Liquid Limo, Thurs-Mon, Stern, Yes

Andy, Sally & Megan, Evening Star, Sat-Sun, Stern, No

People Travelling by car.

Brian, Clare, Marcus, Rachel

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Hello John & Mary-Jane,

I wish you all well with the meet this coming weekend, as it already has been said this is a good way to premote the forum and the Broads.

I will check out the Wherry camera over the weekend. I do hope that it will warm up for you this weekend.

Tan and I are down on the on the 23rd of April and looking forward to it.




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I wish you all the very best for the coming week end, I hope you have good heaters on board. We have been thinking for some time about coming to Oulton, but no heating system on our boat makes the decision for us.

Regards, Paul

Good to hear from you Paul wondered where you had gone :wave

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I wish you all the very best for the coming week end, I hope you have good heaters on board. We have been thinking for some time about coming to Oulton, but no heating system on our boat makes the decision for us.

Regards, Paul

Paul, Hi.

You're absolutely correct on that one!

It is bitterly cold at night and you really do need some heat to get out of your bunk in the morning! cheersbar

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Well the Ebersplutter certainly got a good workout this weekend! Don't let the sunshine fool you into thinking it was anything but flipping freezing! It is a pity it was so cold, but good to start the season off with a well attended meet, even if the collection of boats was a bit monotonous with 90% of the attending boats bring from one manufacturer!



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Although the weather was sent to try us with the maximum temperature just creeping over zero degrees and the cold easterly wind offering a wind chill of minus 5 it was great that so many turned up for the first meet of the season.

To add to the adventure we lost the electricity to the marina on Friday night with no access to the Yacht Station to reset the trip. :o With the number of boats plugged into shore power and electric heaters, heated blankets and immersion heaters etc.. the poor old trip just couldn't cope. We all survived the night though and no real harm done. With careful electricity management by all boats from then on in, the problem was eliminated.

Unfortunately, due to the cold and wind we were unable to set up any gazebos and hold a central meeting point, although we did make use of the local pubs, bars and restaurants for food and refreshments. :naughty:

I would just like to say a big thanks to John and Mary-Jane for organizing the meet and lets hope the next one can be held in warmer climates.


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Well, the weather could`nt spoil a good meet, but it did try bloody hard. The drive up was eventful too (attended by car) having driven through a blizzard at Ipswich. Thoroughly enjoyed the meet, and meeting up with everyone again, though it was a shame it was so cold, so we missed the chance to say hello properly to several folks. We got an early start home yesterday and called in to Loddon to have breakfast at Rosie Lea`s (again :party::party: ) and noticed a familiar boat moored at the quay. Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be none other than Trev, aka "Deisel Falcon", so a quick chat was had. It got cold, so we went in for brekkie, but when we came out he`d vanished. I must have that effect on people :lol::lol: .

Lastly, and most importantly, Karen and i would like to say a very big THANK YOU to John and Mary Jane for again inviting us to stay on Friday girl, and for being such wonderful hosts. We really do appreciate their hospitality, and wish we will one day be able to do the same in return :bow:bow:bow .

Many thanks to all for making us welcome :wave:wave:wave . Regards to you all, and hopefully, we`ll see you again later uin the year....................... Neil & Karen.

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