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A Summer Week

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We departed from Brundall last Wednesday in glorious early morning sunshine, at 06.30.


With 1400rpm, and the remains of the ebb, we planned to arrive at Reedham Ferry at 08.14, which was slack water.


Coldham Hall had a couple of hirers moored as we slipped quietly by; I do love the early morning tranquillity of The Broads!


The Beauchamp Arms had a solitary hirer moored there and The Reedcutter had several. I noted the opening times at Cantley as we intended to call there next Monday on our way back up to Brundall.


On finally turning the last bend to see the Ferry, I slowed down and waited until it pulled across to the far side. I then was able to moor immediately past the ferry in that quiet spot we always try to get into. It was 08.10 and quite easy to solo moor.


A chat with the Ferryman and after I’d mopped up Friday Girl’s decks it was breakfast time. A lovely cuppa was soon on the go to wake Mary-Jane up with.


We then spent a lazy morning watching all the arrivals after 10’ish because it was Water Rats’ afternoon! By 12.00 there was hardly a space to moor, including all the riverside ones the other side of the ferry.


We listened to the Trad Jazz for an hour or so and then it was time to make our way to Oulton Broad. You see, this week was to be double edged… the Water Rats, Jam time at the Lady of the Lake on Thursday and then the Summer Meet at the weekend. All these included in our quest for stamps from the pubs running the Woodforde’s Ale Trail!





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Thanks, Lori, but I'm afraid I don't have a video camera!


Alan, Hi... here it is!


By now the Ebb was in full outflow on a Spring Tide and 1600rpm gave us barely 4.5mph! (1600rpm usually gives us 6mph in still water and I very seldom go above it as the fuel consumption increases exponentially as does the wake we generate… it’s strictly reserved for Breydon Water against the tide!).


We swung down river out of the New Cut and I had to immediately dramatically throttle back to stay within the 5mph speed limit.. I then spun Friday Girl round just before the old bridge at St Olaves and came in to moor outside The Bell. Their signs ask for “Stern On Only” but with that sort of tide you would be asking to be swept down sideways onto the bridge! I moored side on…


Only in the pub for ten minutes to get another couple of stamps and then the long flog, or so it seemed, to Oulton Broad.


We arrived at OBYS at 16.00 to be met By Adam and his younger accomplice! Ever helpful, even though they weren’t expecting us, and we were soon tied up stern on the outside of the floating pontoons. (As an aside I must say that I did call them, three times, on the Monday & Tuesday and left messages on both the landline and mobile numbers).

It was good to see the Topcraft pump-out facility working!



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Hello John,

The last and only time we were moored at the Bell we were the only ones there and likewise moored port side on after coming under the bridge after inching towards it with just two inches to spare in the dark. Not to be repeated but we had a late passage through Yarmouth and were struggling to find a mooring so fixed up the spot light.

Did you have a meal at the Bell? we called in and it was fair, but after saying that we would have eaten anything.

The pub is very old and the next day took several pictures for a friend of mine who is a builder, very interesting brickwork.



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On Wednesday evening we walked across to the Commodore for a bevvy in lovely warm sunshine. We were surprised how busy they were as we had heard that it’s a quite pricey place but it didn’t seem unreasonable to us nor to the very many peeps sat outside eating and drinking. Another stamp in the book and not a bad pint of Woodforde's Wherry!


We then called into the Wherry Hotel for a nightcap (and stamp) before arriving back onboard at about 10’ish for supper and a glass of favourite wine.  cheers


Thursday was another nice day and I cycled up to the Flying Dutchman for a pint….Mary-Jane and I then completed our stamp haul in Oulton Broad in the Waveney and Lady of the Lake! cheersbar


Thursday evening was exciting as the power boat racing was on… if you’re lucky enough to be moored on the outer side of the floating pontoons (as we and three hire boats were) you get a pretty good ringside view! We had a good mardle with a couple of the hirers and were able to give them ideas of where to go for whatever they wanted (and to encourage them to join us here on the NBN!).  


Later I wandered over to the Lady to listen to the Jam-Session night. The guys are gradually coming back after their time away when the Lady was closed last year. Some of them are either ex-professionals or very close to it and if you like loud rock it’s the place to be on Thursday nights!  :River Police


Friday morning dawned bright and hot again and we were under way at 08.00 for the Meet at Beccles. We weren’t in a hurry and burbled up the Waveney enjoying friendly waves from passers-by. I personally wave at everyone I pass, be they on a boat or on the river bank. I don’t always get a response and sometimes seem to even surprise people but I think it’s part of the friendly life which we have here.  :wave


As we passed the WRC we saw that Eddie looked very smart and that the (very) large steel boat (or is it a small ship?) was afloat at last. :clap  





Later we passed this lovely old boat, ("The Admiral"!!!) , and will someone  tell me what she is, please?





Then who should we see but Paul on Peters Joy, heading for the floating pontoon on the Oulton Dyke!




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We arrived at Beccles Yacht Station at 10am and were soon tied up. Tim, the Harbour Master, had been busy and there were signs quite clearly indicating our reserved mooring spaces.


Next to turn up were Steve and Jax on the lovely Missouri Star; it was good to see them again. 




After a chat I cycled off to the other end of Beccles on London Road to find the Butchers Arms for another stamp and to get food for tomorrow.


Unfortunately it wasn’t open at 11.30 and so I ventured back into Beccles to get a couple of pounds of “Chip-Shop” sausages from Sebbings on Hungate. Now what a butchers that is! A real throwback in time… FIVE butchers cutting and bagging. Then they give you your bag and a numbered card and you go over to a little kiosk near the door; give the lady your card and pay the bill! And the meat!


I then cycled slowly back to the other Butchers for my pint of Woodforde’s… just a mention that they do two 8oz rumps for a tenner on Thursday nights!  :clap  :clap 


Later in the afternoon we soon had another six boats tied up and shared a few bevvies with the crews. In the evening Paul from Peters Joy arrived and “persuaded” me to walk up to the King’s Head. Here we found a light coloured beer made with American Hops which was very much to our taste! (Help, please, Paul, I can’t for the life of me remember its name!).  :oops: 


The Saturday passed by in typical Meet style, great company, a super BBQ (Thanks, Col, for bringing your big one!), a few bevvies and numerous games “organised” by Luke! Mainly outside but we retired into the NBN gazebo at 9pm to avoid the huge downpour. A really memorable day.


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In the evening Paul from Peters Joy arrived and “persuaded” me to walk up to the King’s Head. Here we found a light coloured beer made with American Hops which was very much to our taste! (Help, please, Paul, I can’t for the life of me remember its name!).  :oops: 



I persuaded you :shocked  You are leading Me astray :naughty:


I can't remember either, although i know it was a Scottish Brew, It's all a blur now cheersbar

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On Sunday morning our (male) guest was slightly de-hydrated and refused tea, coffee or food! Pints of water seemed to be his thing……….Fortunately Lucy obliged and had a bite with us.   :naughty:


Too soon and it was time to head for Loddon, our next destination. We followed the tide down the Waveney as far as Oulton Dyke, a lovely cruising morning. But just what is it with some peeps? Approaching the WRC, just before 10.30, we saw a very large steel “narrow boat” coming towards us with a bow-wake and following waves to make an MTB skipper proud.


A while later and it was up with the power to counter the flood and make a measly 4.5mph. Between the black chimney and Somerleyton yet another very large steel barge-like creation was coming towards us, with the tide, and pushing up a bow-wave to make Titanic envious. I just can’t understand these people, both privateers. I could name both boats and actually took pics of them to post or send to the BA, I was so annoyed. (And NO, these two didn’t get a wave!). two guns


Pushing up the New Cut against the tide took a long time and it was a great relief to turn onto the Yare and throttle back from 1600 to 1000rpm to stay within the 5mph speed limit.


In a very short while we turned into the Chet and had a lovely peaceful 50 minutes down that most serene of Broads Rivers. (Although it does still need dredging and the reeds removed from the bends). My heart rate was by now back to normal and thoughts of shelling/torpedoing had faded away!


We arrived at Loddon Staithe just 4 hours after leaving Beccles YS and were delighted to find a nice space stern-on to the leccy pylon. (Some kind guy had even left 89p in it!) And there was Paul (Peters Joy) to take a line. Tied up and tidied away and it was time to earn another couple of stamps...  cheers  


Loddon is such a lovely place. Minutes from the Staithe and you have either Rosy Lee’s or the choice of four pubs! We visited the White Horse and the King’s Head at lunchtime and saved the Swan and the Angel for the evening.


We’ve never been to the Angel before and it really is in a time-warp back into the 50’s/60’s! And what a welcome… within minutes we felt as though we’d been regulars for ages… Thanks to Simone and Simone, who are two local folk!  :clap  :clap 

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