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boat gone up in flames at sutton


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'Fraid it was, Loribear. A tragedy for two, what I suspect, are two innocents afloat. Apart from their mobile phones, and a friend with a flat, these two folk have apparently lost everything. In the meantime I rather doubt that they will be clearing up their mess, the cost of doing so will probably be several times the purchase price! 

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from what i've just read on facebook they might not have been innocents abroad, seems they hadn't even paid for it and the whole thing is a con, people were heading there to help when things appeared to be rather than seen originally


read ,-love the norfolk broads page

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Apparently the wood-burner has been removed from the boat and is up for sale. The possible source of the fire, the evidence, has been removed. Bearing in mind that blood can't be got from a stone I hope that the authorities take this one seriously, if only to make an example. 


Dumping end of life GRP boats is major fly-tipping, a problem that will only grow. The boat in question is, I believe, grp sandwich construction, whether foam or balsa I don't know. I can only imagine the problems involved in its disposal. 


In a nutshell old boats are sold off cheap to avoid the costs of disposal. Dreamers buy them before they realise what the costs of ownership are, moorings, toll, insurance and BSS for starters. 


The Broads Authority has wisely put in place reserves to counter this growing problem. My feeling is that this has to be a problem shared by the 'industry', after all it was the 'industry' that made money building the boat, the industry that made money hiring or providing moorings and so on. Apparently end of life grp hulls are either disposed off as land fill or ground up, either way this forty foot ex hire boat, redundant houseboat, burnt out hulk is going to cost thousands to dispose of. A solution needs to be found, and it shouldn't be solely down to the toll payer. 

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I know this will sound cynical, but, they might as well just send the bill to me!


The BA will take the money from my toll.

The boat builders would add the cost to the boat price.

The hire yards would add the cost to the hire charge.

The government would raise my taxes.


At the end off the day it's always the end user that pay's the bill with no one to pass the cost onto.


yours sincerely

cynical downtrodden stone broke  boater.

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Martin, how right you are.  


In this case the declared owners are known, despite apparent doubts as to whether that they had actually handed over their money, however, 'tis they who should pay. Okay, so it's never going to happen.


Me, my thoughts are that eventual disposal costs should be factored into the building costs. However, with fifty years of GRP production in the pipeline, so to speak, that solution is a bit late! 

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Mowjo, thanks for that. The boat was sold off cheap, at any price, just to get rid of it, I don't blame Ruth one iota for doing that but the harsh reality is that it was sold to avoid further worries or costs, completely understand that, but the problem has just been passed on. The end result is that society has now got to clean up someone elses mess. Quite frankly I hope that the BA et al throw the book at the latest owners, I really do.


They had installed an engine, had they obtained a BSS & paid the extra toll, were they insured? Were they paying a mooring fee? We can all guess the answer and I suspect that we will all be right! 


Makes my blood boil, it really does. I'm afraid the Broads is not a something for nothing, dosser destination. I really don't care who comes here, so long as they respect both the Broads and the folk that they share it with.

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Clive! I thought that bit sounded a bit far fetched, from what I've read obviously only hearsay again, it seems the guy involved is pretty well known around the Broads so I can't imagine him getting much help even if only half of it is true,,,



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A quick look at the owners Facebook reveals that their friends consist of many English Defence League Rascists. Delightful! I for one hope these people are not housed in Norfolk on the back of this.

I'd also like to point out that this lovely couple in no way are representative of the vast majority of responsible liveaboards.

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Peter! I've been holding off commenting on this one as I don't know the people or their circumstances, but on his facebook page it tells a lot about this man, there are a lot of comments here and tother side about insurance, here's one of his comments, "hmmmm wish id insured it id be quids in now lol"  he also refers to himself and his friends as River Rats, I only know a couple of liveaboards and they hate that term, the problem is that now a lot of people will see all liveaboards like this man and tar them all with the same brush, from reading some of the stuff it seems most people do that anyway, just mention liveaboards and the forums fill up remarks like scroungers, free loaders, river tax dodgers, should be banned, personally I have no problem with them, it's not for me or anyone else to judge how other people live as long as they pay like the rest of us, we don't always know the reasons behind why someone lives aboard a boat, some are by choice but others are by circumstances, and in some cases I like to think "There but for the grace of God go I"



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Hylander, you and me both!


Re tip top condition though, it always surprises me that some owners, especially those who do have the time, don't spend more of it looking after their boat, but there are folk like that. I was involved with a double glazing company for a number of years and if a house was particularly grim the sales people & surveyors would warn the fitters with the comment on the work sheet to 'wipe your feet before you leave.'

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This might help clear a few things up! it seems it's not just the original owner that has been conned,,






Edited by Alan


Link removed

Edited by Alan

This video worries me, apparently it was secretly filmed on the lady's private land, without her consent or knowledge thus should not have been put it in the public domain. Bit late to comment now but it does seem a bit distasteful, despite it being posted with all the best intentions in the world I'm sure..

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Peter! your quite right! I just found out on tother side that it was filmed without her consent, so I'm quite happy if the mods remove the link I posted, the subject has already gone to an us and them debate and getting personal over there, and I don't want to see that happen over here, so far my post and your last one are the only link to the video so if it's ok with you I'm going to ask the mods to remove it,,



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Ok I have messaged a mod asking them to delete the link I put, so don't blame the Mods for it's removal I asked for it, a bit late I know but I pressumed the lady in question knew she was being filmed, I won't go into details but saying she agrees with the sentiment is not the same as agreeing to be filmed,,,



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