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TV UK Boating


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There are precious few programmes on tv about boating, but to have one that focuses primarily on the canals is a loss of opportunity in my mind, as boating in the UK covers so much more.  It`s a bit like a lot of the monthly publications, that continually have articles about sailing in the mediteranean. In a UK boat magazine?. yeah right.


Most of the boats in or around the UK are used in UK waters, so why all the articles about sailing overseas. Once in a while yeah, but every month there were articles about sailing abroad, and on boats most working people could ill afford.


There`s a thread on this forum from someone who was in the throws of putting together another mag, and was asking for input. I suggested things like boating on a very tight budget, the pro`s and cons of buying into a syndicate boat, articles about various different aspects of boating in different UK waters etc etc, but wether or not this will happen, i don`t know.


Not all of us want to read about starter boats for the family costing well into 6 figures, it`s one of the reasons why i stopped buying the mags, and i wonder if this programme is just another jolly for some unheard of tv presenters to swan around on boats that they really have very little interrest in?.

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These programs are 3-4 years old. When they first came

on I thought 'great'! But it soon lost it's appeal when almost

every episode revolved around the canals and narrow boats.

When Chris Gosling produced and narrated it, it was ok as

he did do the Thames and the Broads too plus episode's 

on the French Canals, but then it changed producer and

Rebecca Bruce (Bruce's Trust)  took to fronting the program

it then went canals only.

A real opportunity missed.

A few weeks ago there was a few episodes of another boating

program called 'Discover Boating', but seemed to concentrate

on Windermere and the Lake District but I found it wanting

and almost boring. After 5 episodes we stopped watching.

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I find I enjoy any boating program be it on the canals, Broads, coastal, it is down to the joy of being on or around water.


Lets face it with any TV at the moment it is just soaps, realality (hardly realistic) programes so any programes that have real acting or documentries screened are ok with me.




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