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Lobby and samphire

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Admission first we didnt do this on boat but could quite easily.
Due to Caroles current indisposition went to Morrissons in Cromer to top up with essentials (G&T)
Decided to take coast road back to Holt
Big mistake
Roadside stall selling samphire
Crabbies crab shop had a desirable lobster

First start boiling baby pots, wash samphire
Chop lobby in half remove head, take out all meat and reserve

Make bechamel sauce (google it) add shed loads of mature cheddar
Arrange lobby meat in half shells pour over cheese sauce and add any remaining meat to
King Prawns into a ramekin

Top lobby with cheeses sauce remains over king prawns

Chuck both into hot oven for 30 mins

Chuck Washed samphire into boiling water for 15 - 20 mins

Plate up an serve sorted

Avsmall cosolation for missing the Beccles meet

Have av great time folks

Ray & Carole

Edited at Ray's request to remove the pictures.



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Ok sorry folks

Had some broad band issues and typing erroneous keystrokes despite what i actually inputted

All Now rebooted hopefully ok now

Sorry pics still aussie rules

No Ian have only had one G&T so far

And the lobby and samphire was delicious



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How much do you pay in the UK for a lobster? Last one I bought in the US was $6.99 steamed to order from live. Last one I saw in Roys of Hoveton  was either £9.99 or £12.99. I think it was the little brother of the one I bought in the States.


I do love lobby and the dish with samphire sounds great, especially washed down with a glass or two of crisp, chilled white wine. Will have to give it a go the next time I come into money.




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We usually pay a bit more for locally fished lobbies as have been disappointed with supermarket offerings, usuall pay £7 - £8 for one each, but last week bought a big boy for £13 from Crabbies crab shop in Salthouse which was more than big enough for 2, and a big bag of samphire for £2


Ray & Carole

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Try these simple recipes:A light sauce to go with seared salmon or tiger prawns.

half a small red onion,finely diced,one small tomato diced,one dessert spoon of fresh ginger finely diced,one teaspoon of lemon grass(I used jarred minced).Two/three large spoons of teriyaki sauce.


In a non stick pan,heat some veg or corn oil,plus a little sesame seed oil,lightly cook onions,ginger,then add lemon grass and tomato,add teriyaki sauce,add a little water and cook for about five ten mins.coat your fish.



I have never had much luck growing tomatoes this year it seemed to work and I have a good crop.if you have lots of tomatoes here a few ides.


Tomato salad,thinly slice tomatoes,thinly sliced red onions or shallots,milled pepper and salt a few splashes of white wine or cider vinegar,extra virgin olive oil,



Oven/sun dried cherry tomatoes,cut in half season with salt and pepper dry in the oven do so once you have turned the oven off or if its a hot day dry outside.Once dry place in a airtight jar and cover with olive oil.



If you have soft toms these are good for a pasta sauce,cut tomatoes in four.one onion rough chopped garlic to taste,cook slowly in a pan adding a little water and tomato puree cook for about 30/45 mins blend,once cool store in a air tight jar.These can be done at home and used on the boat.



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Sorry I think I hijacked the link.Still try this again simply lobster salad poach lobster allow to cool,using the meat cut into pieces break crisp lettuce such as iceberg,tomatoes sliced spring onions,peeled diced cucumber, seasoned croutons served with homemade mayonnaise, crusty bread and a crisp chilled white wine


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Alan try this batter,321 3 parts flour 2 parts cornflour 1part baking powder,mix together with beer or sparkling water until a good dropping mixture.Allow to rest for about an hour.Dip your fish in seasoned flour,then in your batter And fry.Chips boil your chips first,not to long,drain allowing to cool,then lightly fry drain allow to cool then Finnish in hot oil,go old school serve with pickled onions,garkins and buttered white bread.

Pickled onions,peeled onions,salt leave for 24 hours,turning every so often raise off place in a clean air tight jar I wash the jars and dry in the oven about 100.c.Cover the onions with vinager try other fingers such as white or cider etc,vinager at 14 percent. I have added pepper corns or garlic/chillies.Just add what you like.I always do onions for family and friends for Christmas. So if you do so they go well with your fish and chips

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Hi Ian,


I like the first bit, I always use larger in my batter mix.


But don't darken my door with onions, I am also allergic to garlic, it brings me out in little white spots.


I have to be careful with packaging because they seem to put garlic in everything these days, the only baked beans that do not have any in are Heinz.


Pizza's can be a problem but Morrison's do a basic cheese & tomato for 60p that I use as a base for other ingredients/toppings.




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Hi Ian,


For me its all, I never liked them as a child, I could never stand the taste, my grandmother did not know what to do with me. I could tell if she had used a knife on a onion, washed the knife and then used it to prepare my food.

Tan many years ago whilst at work, before we were married had been offered and accepted a cheese and onion crisp from a friend at work, I picked her up several hours and could smell the onion on her breath.


I can cook with them for other people, but I have to stay well clear of them, Tan has found out in recent years that they can effect her diet, so for flavouring for her I use spring onions.




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