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Waste collection cut back on more Broads sites possible


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12 minutes ago, Boaters said:

I would have thought Horning would be an important place to have maintained collections,maybe more so than some of the others ?


I'd certainly agree with this the bins are normally full all summer and often not far off it in the winter.

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May I point out that the article says "Horning Ferry" not Horning car park.

However, apart from such a minor detail, it remains that somethging needs sorting out over this. There is little to be gained by ranting & raving, positive suggestions need to be put to those involved. The boatyards pay commercial levels of rates, to have hirecraft refuse taken, that should be an end to it. Who was responsible for re-clasifying the waste?

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6 minutes ago, MauriceMynah said:

May I point out that the article says "Horning Ferry" not Horning car park.

However, apart from such a minor detail, it remains that somethging needs sorting out over this. There is little to be gained by ranting & raving, positive suggestions need to be put to those involved. The boatyards pay commercial levels of rates, to have hirecraft refuse taken, that should be an end to it. Who was responsible for re-clasifying the waste?

Possibly this may explain all MM..... http://www.broads-authority.gov.uk/__data/assets/pdf_file/0006/426984/Waste_Disposal_Policy_nc270214.pdf


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We have reported on this topic for the last couple of years in some form or other.

These so called cost savings on services be they on Broads or anywhere else in the country only ever end up costing more money to the said authorities who find they have pay huge amounts of money or have to incur legal costs to get fly tipping removed from private land.

What is needed is a policy where all the authorities concerned share the responsibility on the Broads so bins are provided and regularly collected from mooring sites such as 24 hour moorings, yacht stations, boat yards, marinas etc.

As Ian rightly says the Broads is a tourist destination, and like other areas needs to provide these basic services.

The last thing any users of the Broads wants to see is dumped rubbish, overflowing bins or black bags floating down the rivers.



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I think that the local councils should consider where the rubbish comes from. Mostly from newspapers, bottles and waste packaging from goods that holidaymakers buy from local shops, I suspect. If I have to take my rubbish home, then I hope that nobody will mind if I bring my food and drink from home as well. Talk about short-sighted. This has to be a case of cutting off your nose to spite your face.




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