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Could this happen on the Broads?


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28 minutes ago, Dajen said:

I would guess a pre-requisit would be t.o have a mobile phone signal, rules out Horning then:naughty:



What goes in, must come out...

The authorities have been tracking iffy people for ages using trigger words in texts, and monitoring conversations for as long as they found they could. I won't mention any words, as they will track me.... then they can see what a boring life I lead lol  Home today, hospital on tuesday, docs on thursday, Aldi on Friday .

Now when the spring comes, add a few visits to Acle, Stalham, Wroxham, 

Potter Heigham lol.

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well Viking, this may come as a bomb shell to some but I ain't scared. Like mm, anyone who wants to track me will find another old fart terrorizing internet forums (should that be fora) such as this with my fundamental beliefs. I try not to take it to extremes anymore, I would  hate to be labelled as intolerant!

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Well as they say, I've got nothing to hide...


I've hidden it already lol....

I don't mind being tracked, mobile phones, street cameras, checked for speeding, overstaying in car parks, etc  but when I travel by air, I want to feel as safe as possible. So if the authorities are tracking some special cases, so be it. My spending pattern and interests on the internet are being tracked, it is called leaving cookies, that's why they target certain customer bases via their interests.

Imagine the BA or more likely a third party, having this tracking data and seeing if you overstay on a 24 hour mooring....

Hmmmm... Time to remove the phone battery, BUT trouble is, can't be done on iPhones lol...

Not sure they transmit when they are supposed to be off... If you place one next to a standard FM radio, you often here them transmit their position quite regularly. the radio, goes dib dip, dib dip, dib dip...as the phone transmits.  The scientific reason for this, is when a call needs to reach that phone, it doesn't search the whole country, or the whole world looking for it. 


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4 hours ago, Dajen said:

I would guess a pre-requisit would be to have a mobile phone signal, rules out Horning then:naughty:



Not for much longer, as some repeaters are soon to be fitted, anyway to be tracked your phone has to be turned on, mine is only on when I intend to make a call.

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