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Hockham Admiral

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Everything posted by Hockham Admiral

  1. It was 6ft when some of the yachts went through at the weekend!
  2. What part of this don't they understand?
  3. Lovely pics and the vid, Carol, so many thanks. The vid (I watched on youtube) also gave me a link to BroadlandMemories which I've just visited. Fascinating!
  4. windmill, Hi and a belated "welcome aboard" from us. If you feel as strongly as some then you only have to call Broads Control (01603 756056) and they will be moved pretty sharpish. The local Ranger has already given written warnings and if the BA choose to prosecute the fine can be up to £1000. These peeps are just freeloaders who object to paying the £8 to moor at the Yacht Station.
  5. Peter (laffingfish), Hi. Welcome aboard the forum and hope to hear a bit more about you soon.
  6. Not enough alcohol, you mean, Fred? :naughty:
  7. If it is the 22nd slack water GH is about 16.00 on Sat and 17.00 Sun. Should be good if you get away by 14.00! Returning the following Friday it's 08.30.... Let us know if you'll be around down South at all, please.
  8. Will that be from Sat 22nd for a week, Neil?
  9. Absolutely. Anyone who has a metal watch/strap just must remove it before working on 12V batteries!
  10. Where exactly is the start in Horning, please?
  11. What time do you hope to be at Potter, please, Clive?
  12. Many thanks for those, guys, much appreciated.
  13. Yes it was us, Branden. We'd been there since 12 and we were off to mud-plud on Surlingham Broad for a couple of hours. Sorry we missed you (and the waving).
  14. Harris625, Hi. Welcome Aboard from us... (It's Chris, isn't it?)
  15. Funny but I've just received this today... how do I find out if it's genuine, please? We have finish our monthly system upgrade, You have to update your E-mail account and verify your identity please follow this link and sign in: http://www.btinternet/update/verify Regards, BT Yahoo! Mail Team
  16. Wonderful, Robin! :clap (Didn't the yard have a spare wiper blade?)
  17. We're quite likely to because we'll be heading there ourselves!
  18. What power level are they, Andy? BB were using 5KW ones a couple of years ago on a new boat they were building.
  19. It definitely is automatic on our boat, Mark. I remember that when Barnes Brinkcraft fitted it the relay cost was a bit frightening; it has to take a switchover of up to 32A at 230V so it's no small thing! But then, our boat is totally electric and we could easily use up to 32A if we had several things going at once. We try to hook up to the higher supply socket if possible or start the genny when it's cold and we are cooking!
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