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Hockham Admiral

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Everything posted by Hockham Admiral

  1. You don't need too much rest, Eric, do you? Thanks for letting me know your favourite Scotch, I'll chat with the head honcho at St George's tomorrow; then one more thing not to forget!. Looking forward to the continuation; really nice to meet such a lovely family!
  2. A warm welcome aboard the good-ship NBN from us, Jon. (73's de G3SXP)
  3. I thought that it was bio-degradable but since this thread started I've been reading: So Is Dog Do Bad for the Environment? Dog Doo contain bacteria that is harmful to all animals- contains the same bacteria that human have. E Coli Bacteria from Dog Doo finds its way into the rivers and lakes and can cause cholera or dysentery. E Coli Bacteria from Dog Doo grows in water and reduces amount of oxygen for fish Not good to use in garden- can leach into vegetables and make you sick Runoff containing dog waste also causes bacteria levels to rise in waterways and can make beaches unsafe for swimming. Some Common Diseases: Roundworm Giardia Campylobacter Leptospira Tapeworm Cryptosporidium E. Coli Fecal Coliforms
  4. Oh, I only meant for a quick visit... perhaps to an Oulton or Beccles Meet, Alan?
  5. Perhaps we'll see your efforts up here in a couple of years, Alan?
  6. until

    Alan, that topic in Full Members is the one started by Gracie and doesn't have any more details about the Spring Meet. . You need to look in: SPRING MEET, 14-15 May, 2016, Salhouse Broad Jonzo replied to Jonzo's topic in Norfolk Broads Events If you want the details......................
  7. Eric, Hi. It was a pleasure to meet up on Sunday afternoon with you and your lovely daughters. Mary-Jane and I much enjoyed our evening in your company (and the Little Sharpie wasn't bad, either!). You must have crept away early yesterday morning, we didn't notice that you'd gone until we left ourselves. Hope you had a good day out in Norwich, Eric and your young ladies didn't clean out your plastic too much! How was the New Inn; were there many spaces there? Look forward to the Summer Meet and your bottle of St George's finest will be reserved.(BTW I forgot to ask which is your favourite Scotch and I'll speak to the Master brewer at St George's to try to find a similar English). Enjoy the rest of your cruise!
  8. Thanks, Charlie. Here's the latest (and we'll all be on the floating pontoons unless anyone specifically asks for the concrete): (Boat Name, Crew name(s), Stern/Side, Leccy Y/N, Days) Friday Girl, John & Mary-Jane, Stern, Y Fri-Mon Fair Chancellor 1, Eric, Day, Chloe & Skye, Stern, Y, Sat-Sun. Bound 2 Please, Charlie & wench, Stern, Y, Fri-Sun Nyx, John, Stern, N, Fri-Mon. Broad Ambition, Griff, Howard, Robin, Grendel, Tim & Alan, Y, Fri-Sun
  9. Yes, they do moor stern on just before the Hotel and it would be difficult to tell as Eric says. If they moor stern-on at the Hotel they will be even more likely to be hit by boats exiting from across the river who are coming directly to the Bridge Pilot mooring by the bridge.
  10. I shall look forward to that, Eric! BTW, unless you're late risers, I'd go an hour earlier to get more of the ebb. Then moor up for an hour or so at GH "waiting for the tide" and have a cuppa. It does help to break up the rather long journey. I call the Rangers as I pass the old Yacht Station control tower and ask them for assistance in 5-10 minutes. Of course, with your crew, on neap tides, you probably won't need to. And you said it, young Grace............ "behave yourself"!
  11. I really did prefer the old (or young) one, Eric!
  12. A warm welcome aboard from us, Andrew. I'm sure someone will be along soon who can answer your question.
  13. No, she's not going in until tomorrow, James. I have a minor knee op also tomorrow; so we won't be out before the weekend I'm afraid.
  14. Eric, Hi......... Also booked into the Ferry House a week tomorrow is......................... Friday Girl!
  15. I'd suggest that you find somewhere well sheltered for the weekend's and Monday's weather........... http://www.bbc.co.uk/weather/2641181 This afternoon, tomorrow afternoon and Monday most of the day look rather iffy. Stay safe, peeps.
  16. Well that's it then....... straight from the horse's mouth, as they say! Many thanks for clearing it up, Frank!
  17. Yeah, I noticed that on FB and sent my wishes there. Have a Great Day, Ian!
  18. I was in Brundall, working on the boat, Frank...............................
  19. Do you have a rough itinerary of your trip, yet, Frank? (In particular when you come South).
  20. Steve, Hi. Welcome aboard from us. I'm sure you'll enjoy your first visit... I doubt it will be your last!
  21. Six Nations 2016 Standings Team Played Won Drawn Lost For Against Points England 5 5 0 0 132 70 10 Wales 5 3 1 1 150 88 7 Ireland 5 2 1 2 128 87 5 Scotland 5 2 0 3 122 115 4 France 5 2 0 3 82 109 4 Italy 5 0 0 5 79 224 0
  22. You'll probably have visited the New Inn by the weekend 2/3 April, James. (Our boat goes back into the water April 1st).
  23. WRONG, Iain! Their Tilley costs £59.49..... http://www.outdoorkit.co.uk/product.php?product_id=9220
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