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Everything posted by BroadScot

  1. Having seen Howard's pics at Reedham and the very low tides, it appears not to be the same at Wroxham Bridge. Seen it much lower.
  2. Hi Alan, Nice to see Orca back in the water again, at her new moorings. The waves are crashing over the seafront here, so I have been told. Not venturing out in such awful weather! Iain
  3. The rest of it is up here looking at all these pics! http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-south-scotland-35014930 Iain
  4. Sadly, looking at the evening news on TV, the poor folks in Cumbria appear to have collected it all. Hopefully not too much damage done. Iain.
  5. For all that the tides are low, this afternoon looking at Wroxham bridge,on the cam, I have seen it much lower in the not too distant past. Iain.
  6. There you go Jean, the Christmas Boat!
  7. For anyone who has not heard of this Brewery..... http://humptydumptybrewery.com/ Iain
  8. Errr Jean....Wrap the Christmas Prezzies! Iain
  9. I have always used AOL for Emailing, yes anno not the best system, but very easy to use sending emails and attachments. I assume its Windows Outlook she is using? I have always kept clear of Outlook since Windows 95. Hopefully a Outlook user will be along to help you Ray. Iain.
  10. Hi Ray, 120 may be too many and classed as SPAM mail. Maybe send in 30 or 40 blocks.? Just a thought. Iain.
  11. Hi Vanessa and welcome to the NBN Forum Iain.
  12. Hi Alan and all, 70,000 per day is the norm and FREE to cross too. It shows how urgent the new bridge is needed. I have crossed the bridge many times, and it is for now, an additional 70 miles commute, 35 each way, into Edinburgh via Kincardine, hopefully Scotrail can put more trains on. With the festive season here, at least for a fortnight of the closure, many folks will be off on holiday. The new Queensferry Bridge, slip roads are well on, its just a case of finishing the bridge now. Sadly with the weather this past few weeks, progress will have been very slow indeed for safety reasons. I have often wondered why they never built a tunnel road on the Forth. Must be some geological fault maybe? I agree 110% with ChrisB comments, I too never did like those "Iodine" Malt Whiskies! I feel really sorry for all the commuters into the Capital, but safety MUST come first IMHO. Iain.
  13. That IS low Howard. Errr just as well you aint cruising the Firth of Clyde just now! DESMOND has arrived !!! The sea is VERY rough indeed. No ferry's sailing to Arran. Iain.
  14. Result!!!! Never mind the taking ORCA for a SPIN! Nice and SLOWLY does it young Alan! Iain
  15. Fire Extinguishers!!!!!! Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! A bucket of Sand do fine! Iain
  16. True, Dave, very true indeed!
  17. Ooops thanks for that Alan, so I did! Iain
  18. Perhaps I should have said Lincolnshire MM, but Essex is nearer to Beccles! Iain.
  19. Hi folks, You have to remember Robin hails from the fast moving capital which is London. They do everything quickly there, IF you are in the BUS lane that is! Remembering that I hail from the land of inventors check an old posting of mine in Jokes, all that Robin has said with the techo now available IS possible....god forbid. Yes I use technology, I can alter your posts from hundreds of miles away if need be. I can mention also, that there are still a few Calenders for SALE They have to do with the Techo of this site, like help pay to run it! Now where was I? Ah yes, I think a few of Robin's ideas are more than feasible, but should be put to test first in his own back yard that is the River Thames and tributaries. That way by the Year 2100 Norfolk and Suffolk will be ready for such techo wonders. My final thought on all things techo is, with all the dredging up on Hickling Broad will all the water sook its way up from Potter Heigham Bridge and leave a great big arch where a lot more hire boats can/will get through? Nope, thought not! Back to the technology drawing boards! Iain.
  20. I am sure I saw a kettle for sale at the Beccles Market....once!. Perhaps it was in interlopper from Essex! Iain.
  21. Howard, Many years ago I use to play darts with the local Fire Service in The Angel. Best bit is....its ALL downhill back to the boat! Iain
  22. Alan, Behave laddie...Howard is frae YORKSHIRE ! Hard as nails and all black belts and flat caps. Know doubt Mrs Nog is lethal with a handbag! Iain P.S. I see Howard has a wee part time job at Rosies Ho Ho Ho!
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