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Everything posted by BroadScot

  1. Only on THIS Forum can we go from Quailes to Snails on the same thread!! Iain
  2. Eric, for sure, the laddies plateful, was reeking of Garlic! lol Iain.
  3. Oh so the "Toilet" Bar is going...Yippee! Sorry Kris, but the designer who thought that one up should have been shot at dawn Delighted it will be no more in the fullest of time! A lot going on, and as they say, Rome wasn't built in a day. I wish you well with all the changes. Like Gracie, a possible stop over as I seem to remember there are rooms on the ground floor which is ideal for me. Iain.
  4. While out for an evening in Paris with the rest of our coach party, one of the younger members of the party was coaxed into trying Escargot, the poor lad was not very well for the next 24 hours! Iain.
  5. As Scott Hastings said on TV here, he was an awesome rugby player. RIP.
  6. Thanks Strowie, I am sure Monica will now know the full picture on abbreviations. I try to keep Computer lingo as simple as possible. Iain.
  7. Hi Mickey, If you don't mind making up the bed in the centre cockpit and its only a weekend then look at Faircraft at Wroxham and http://www.broads.co.uk/boats/fair-ambassador/ This boat is centre cockpit and not too big, as Marshie says there are less smaller craft now. I don't know if Andy at Freedom Boating allows single handed as far as hiring is concerned. But he has an ex Aston Boats, Song of Freedom, http://www.freedomboatingholidays.co.uk/boat-songoffreedom.php?BoatID=9 that style I had many times, and they are very easy to handle. I wish you well, and hope you get your Mum back to the Broads. Iain.
  8. This is becoming a CygNet thread....Pen...ding an arrest. Aye ok i'll get my
  9. Now that IS sticking your neck out Paul! Iain.
  10. Hi Monica, MS Dos is Microsoft Disc Operating System OS....Open Source or Operating System That is what I know them as, someone else may think differently. Iain
  11. Hi Nigel, With 500 members who had to have their Handicaps up to date because of the CONGU system, in the early days it was a FULL TIME job! lol We moved from the big floppies to the plastic ones and a NEW PC unit, all briefly before Windows 93 appeared on the scene! Happy days!....Not! I am very happy with Windows 10, it loads quickly on my lappy compared to the old days of weird and wonderful noises on the old tower before it completely loaded up! Iain.
  12. Oh eck, I feel a MS Dos moment coming on! The number of back ups one did with floppies at the Golf Club, brings back nightmares! Iain.
  13. Hi Howard, I sent the advance party up to the church, well they required the exercise I stayed in the Pub. Well the Skipper needs to be fresh for steering, that he does! Agreed about Carol's blogs always a good read. Iain
  14. http://www.scunthorpetelegraph.co.uk/Guy-Martin-fly-alongside-Vulcan-Bomber-new/story-28200316-detail/story.html
  15. Most likely a security update, Monica. Iain.
  16. There was a big boating lake at Stranraer with clinker built boats, and that is where I learned to scull. We hired a rowing boat for many years on the Broads, till the old bones said no more! Iain.
  17. I wonder with the talk of BT buying EE there will be a lot more Hotspots etc around the UK. Up in the Highlands, it is as bad if not worse than Norfolk for a signal! Iain
  18. Yes Dave, I could not agree more, all three arrived today and SWMBO is delighted as I am also with the quality. I do Moderation, so had no input in setting the Calenders up, I can say without doubt, that the Team worked very hard in getting the Calenders produced, well done the Team If you haven't ordered one, may I suggest you do now, before they run out! Iain
  19. I think Nipper has been to Beccles this year JA
  20. Flat caps.... pigeons....I see a connection somewhere! Iain.
  21. Well Charlie when you read on here it sure does vary! I am sure Laura will send one of the staff out on the river with a Plumb Bob to get a more accurate assessment! Iain
  22. This gauge is + or - 6" on a good day! Iain
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