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Everything posted by BroadScot

  1. Bonzos recipes for cooking on the Broads......"Amazing!!" OOps thats one of the good things Duh! Iain.
  2. Griff, I have done about four hours driving by the time I pass that wee place called Doncaster. Well it is wee when you are passing it at 70mph on the A1M ! All i see is the slip-road for Donny. Nice to know I have ONLY 162 to Stalham after that! Iain.
  3. Hi Neil, I remember Dave Pipe at Astons telling us about that cow. The boatyards never fail to amaze me still after all these years what they do to go out of their way, to make OUR Holidays so memorable. Iain
  4. Hi Dan, Oh now you have got me getting all excited! Keep snapping! It will save me doing it for Grace next month Only kidding Grace Did you walk on water taking that pic? Iain
  5. Hi Lastdraft, We overnighted there in early May last year. The first noise we heard, were the poor sods heading off to work! A city is a city I guess, I have heard the odd nutter doing the full anglo saxon bit, not pleasent at all. I know we will be up there again this year. Great to read that the Ranger on duty carried out his duties to a high standard, good on him. Iain.
  6. Hi CaptainDread, Welcome to the NBN Friendly Forum Iain
  7. Hi Griff, It took me three goes so it aint you its young Alan's fault I went something like.......Calender>>>Month View you wish>>>Add event Say Spring Meet >>>>>Enter start date and end day>>>> Fill in details in normal thread window>>>>Click add calender event. Hope that helps. Iain.
  8. Hi Nigel, Many many thanks for that latest report and Video input. Its people like you and Carol, that show how the Broads were then and now. I look forward to more film viewing soon. Thank you once again. Iain.
  9. Awe pity, they are too big sadly. I have had them on hire at Hampton Court and Alnwick Gardens, great they are, and twice the speed of mine! Iain
  10. Hi Eric, How true, rumours were abound he had disappeared, until seen by the greater spotted Broads Tourist NBN Forum Member. I am sure ALL members await with baited breath and tin opener screwdrivers, for his latest Blog rendition! Iain.
  11. Hi Alan, As Clive will still be paying for all these new boats for years to come, my kinda scooter will be way down the must have list there lol Iain.
  12. Oh Troutman I was ready then with my master delete button! Thankfully instead am having a laugh because what you say is errr true in most cases. I personally take the car to Tesco, Stalham, or prefer to shop in the village proper. Best hire from Richos and save the back breaking walk! Iain
  13. Thank you Clive for that update, very nice indeed! A few items less to pack! Iain.
  14. Hi David, If the tide is not running too fast you should be able to have a peek in on the way past. Or moor at the BA 24 mooring just past the bridge, for a quick looksee Iain.
  15. Geoff says... Close Geoff, but in truth the person to blame is Clive Richo its one of his cruisers you have hired. WE as in the Forum, have just guided you along to your holiday. That's what its all about, helping each other when we can. Iain p.s. Don't forget to display your "L" plates
  16. JM, You or other locals may be able to correct me if I am wrong, but I seem to remember the Fire Engine Station at Loddon being called out to a shout like that, years ago. In fact I use to play darts with some of the part time crew in The Angel ! I was not up the hill in Loddon last visit, so has that station been closed down now? Iain
  17. David, I couldny have pit that better masell canny lad! Subtitles for Grace :- I could not have put that better myself clever lad. Iain
  18. Hi Grace, Oh you couldn't possibly offend me lassie Yes the scooter is very compact, it takes about a minute to assemble it and then there is no holding me back. I am off n running! lol I will walk to Rossie Lees for coffee n cake and the Stokesby Stores for the massive bacon bap! Highly recommended both! Iain.
  19. Hi Grace, I didn't buy it from this company but it is my model. http://www.careco.co.uk/top-5-ms-1/travel/5 There is a video of it. Iain
  20. Hi Grace, Its breaks down into four pieces, the biggest being the main chassis. I have worked out how n where to store it all. I am NOT a wheelchair person yet I had to use once brieflly at Hampton Court, till they sorted out a scooter for me there. Iain
  21. Thanks to Dan I have found this pic of Broadway ... Iain.
  22. Well folks its MY turn to start the countdown till we are on Broadway2 in early May. We have made a start to the preperations for traveling down to Stalham. The Plastic Folder with the booking details now has the Tide Tables added to it, complete with my old Hamilton's Tide Disc Cardboard reader which cost all of 40p My NBN Burgee is also set aside to be packed later. David mentioned the non stick pan, yup an absolute MUST! Hate a Scrambled fried egg It has to be sunny side up! I have to do a 134 mile detour 67miles there 67 back, to go and pick up my sister in law in Linlithgow. So from there to Stalham is approx 430 miles. Compared to Eric's journey, mine is but a run to the corner shop! We use to travel down three times a year, till fuel costs shot up. BTW Grace, our boat limits the number of pair of shoes allowed onboard, space is required for liquids instead! I have discovered a Sainsbury's New Zealand 5% Sauvignon Blanc and very nice it is too. Sadly I have had no replies regarding scooter hire, so I am having a rethink about bringing my own, and rejigging the space available in the car shell, the Renault Scenic is a big car. So hopefully will resolve my problem. To use Robin's expression. More as it happens....... Iain.
  23. Hi John, A few pints of Adnams Broadside should do the trick! Iain.
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