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Everything posted by BroadScot

  1. Nah MM he would end up with kingsize headache! Anyway.....where IS ths so called Broads National Park?
  2. I think the one Stuart means is the boxed choke/capacitor type?
  3. Water damaged...wata shocker !! Been telling folks for decades never stick your fingers in a plug ! Iain
  4. The gentleman on the left I had the pleasure of a very protracted phone call with in 1980 ! A real gent he was. Iain
  5. Welcome to ALL the new NBN FORUM members. I look forward to reading your holiday tales ..... Iain
  6. Oh I shall keep that quote in my Pesky diary for future use ! Iain
  7. Hi David, Welcome to the NBN Forum Iain
  8. A real dump is Kilmarnock!!! Well I would say that as I am from Ayr ! Just a bit of local rivalry. BTW I agree with JM, Great Yarmouth has a lot of room for improvement !! Iain
  9. HI There, One of the team has merged the two threads, I will have a look see to change it back if possible. Iain
  10. MM! Ray has taken ill, he is being serious !
  11. Geoff? Are there still rewards in Donny for a Griff joke? Just thought I would ask ..... Iain
  12. Water skiing with one hand while munching a box of chocies with the other..... amazing!!!!
  13. Well then John, leave some ale at your local tonight ! Have a good un. Oh yes and your free TV licence ! Iain
  14. Ah JM. the ones on that boat can see right into your living room ! Iain
  15. We clocked up 143 miles one summer holiday! Kept moving to catch a breeze it was soooo hot! Iain
  16. Well Tim I just about remember the guns going off outside Moscow! That was 1812 BTW. Back in the REAL post war, I just about remember the NHS Orange Juice, rationing had just about ended, but, when we went to relations near Liverpool, there were still areas that were marked off from bombed out near Scotland Road. TEN YEARS later ! By then, half of Germany had been rebuilt with trains that ran on time! That was my memories of post war, the rest are too political for such a nice forum as the NBN! Iain.
  17. I have bought my inks from here for several years http://www.hornseainkjets.co.uk/
  18. Yikes I was but a two month old kiddy winkle then !!
  19. Happy Birthday Inge I hope Charlie has spoiled you today
  20. NBN Discount at Brian Wards ....MM Iain
  21. No stone grinders on the roof then to make the arch wider and deeper ! Iain
  22. Orrrrrr you could pop over Vaughan and complete the installation while MM checks out the P B Inn !
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