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Everything posted by BroadScot

  1. Sorry its the software more than likely. A wee job for Admin!
  2. BroadScot


    Congratulations on a job well gone. May you have many happy hours on the rivers with her. Iain
  3. BroadScot

    New Game

    How true, Poppy, rumour has it she invented such a game !
  4. BroadScot

    New Game

    Oh look Gracie, even cruisers tack these days ! Iain
  5. Nah Robin, Gracie has been perfecting the Paso doble in high heels, I believe its a new event at this years Olympic Gymnastics! As for Charlie, he will circumvent the high horse but not in high heels ! Having frequented B'pool on many occasions including playing cricket at Stanley Park, you have to be congratulated in finding a decent drinking pub in said town! Iain
  6. Our admin are very good with a hammer however, they are even better with computers! I am sure they will be able to assist you if get into difficulties! Wont you young Alan n Jonzo ! Also now the Admiral is dabbling in such technicalities, i'm well impressed! Iain
  7. That will be em posh chaps from Eton then ? Jolly hockey sticks anyone? What! Iain
  8. Ah yes ....THE BIG BLUE ONE !
  9. Best not mention it was 23c here today, wall to wall sunshine, and from what I have read, its more of the same for the rest of the week. Makes a change from wind n rain ! It also has assisted the workforce in erecting the stands for The Open Golf. Iain
  10. Always going to be comparisons to be honest. Only time will tell if it will survive. It certainly did not spark in any way. As for Chris Evans shouting all the time, I think all the years wearing headphones has ruined his hearing ! Iain
  11. JM, these days mair n mair sassenachs are seen in oor national dress....The Kilt is often worn at waddins doon sooth. Very smart they are tae, however, ah wunner if they huv oany idea of the cost of such an outfit to buy? The full dress garb that some take on cruise ships cost about £1500.00, so know quite yer cheap skirt as you caw it ! Sadly I huvny been able to wear one in years, but its very comfortable, and extremely warm, even in winter! Iain
  12. BTW Grace, am impressed wi yer translations. You can get a job up here oany tine you like ! As a linguist! Iain
  13. Dunno Grace, but we are going out for lunch with dear friends of ours. So it will be Becks Blue for me 0% The other four will know doubt blooter a couple of bottles of Chenin Blanc ! Iain
  14. Awe this gibberish izny haf makin readin the forum a voyage o discovery! Can yoos lot no speak guid engurlush like whit am typin !
  15. Charlie......err I thought they were Essex girls ! Iain
  16. JM, Sadly I do not. I just remembered reading about that lifeboat, as we have spent many short breaks in our younger years in Whitby. The Sarah Ann, lifeboat, may well have been used as a back up for the Moelfre boat when it went for a major overhaul. In saying that, I would not have fancied being on her in a force 10! I have distant family connections through my mother with the lifeboat station at Moelfre. We are also friends of the past Troon Coxwain. I have nothing but admiration for all RNLI crews. Brave folks, all of them. Iain
  17. Hi All, I don't know if you are seeing his advert south of the border. I think its brilliant...well I would...wouldn't I !
  18. You got my old grey cells thinking JM, and remembered this lifeboat I think spent some time on the Broads.... http://www.oldlifeboatwhitby.co.uk/homenew.htm Iain
  19. A boat that can text ! Amazing ! Iain
  20. A very interesting picture indeed JM.! Iain
  21. With winds that speed, JM could enter his saily in the speed boat racing , Iain
  22. Thank you Vaughan for the update. It does sound rather complicated. Perhaps a Philadelphia lawyer could sort it all out ? Seriously, not good for the holiday trade. Also, those wishing to drive to Monaco for the Grand Prix. Iain
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