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diesel falcon

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Everything posted by diesel falcon

  1. hi jill, it looks like the sky wasn,t bright enough for the filter, have a look at this comparison ,the filter makes the sky darker. the filter can reduce reflections, but only upto a point, hope this helps,as i am no expert!!
  2. Thanks all , first time visitor to the garden, i thought they were canaries !!
  3. So your moored up and are clouted by a hire boat, the helm trys to leg it, you take the number of the boat and the hire company, could you claim on the hire boat s insurance, and has anybody actually done this and won??
  4. there,s a pair so i think their on the right side!!
  5. I have a strange bird nesting just over the fence, can anybody say what they are......taken at 700 so was like keeping a feather still in a gale!! and a bit of fun while the lens is out a spadger....
  6. Well it was nice to see some sunshine, Wroxham it ain,t!! ,thanks for sharing
  7. Has the broads shut down?/ this is loddon basin this morning.....
  8. NOTICE TO MARINERS No. 5 of 2012 Opening times of Trowse Swing Bridge Notice is hereby given that Trowse Swing Bridge opening times will be as stated below From Sunday 20 May 2011 to Saturday 8 December 2012 Monday to Friday Saturday Sunday 10:02 09:10 09:36 11:07 11:07 11:24 14:06 14:05 14:27 16:06 16:08 17:27 Update on bridges - 13 April 2012 Trowse Bridge - Not operational Network Rail discovered a crack on one of the scarf joints for which a replacement has to be manufactured and the current estimated time for repair is now 26th May 2012.
  9. Hi, we tried to get under 2 weeks ago, having air draft of 9ft, we arrived and there was 8ft 6inchs, you would have to go at low tide i think especially if it,s been raining alot
  10. hi Paul, sorry to hyjack your thread with funnies, a very intresting idea ,it should aid the boat to plane if you have enough power,although as said you,ve done it to reduce "squot" .no dought you,ve read this ,but here,s a link to some intresting reading if anybodys intrested. http://www.boatdesign.net/forums/boat-d ... 33936.html Nice job and thanks for sharing
  11. Ian, i ve found you a solution for extending your hull, just push the boat in, wait awhile and your problem,s will be taken away!!
  12. Trust you to be after an extension......any how,s youv,e only got 2 weeks out the water....that,ll be august!!
  13. 120v cables, there,s an american boat in our mariner with the same yellow shore power tree trunk of a cable!
  14. I agree with Dave on this one, it,s very nice upt north for a visit ,but prfere the south imho.
  15. HI one factor is which type of boat your trying to buy?? whether it,s more suited to north or south if it,s a broads cruiser then not an issue
  16. party seven!! ideal fishing boat well done!
  17. We ended up on the wrong side of the river when looking at boats!!! thankyou v much sat nag
  18. Ba won,t be doing the nav markers...... (1) Substitute for paragraph 1(3) the words— “1(3) Subject to sub-paragraph (4) below, the Authority shall provide and maintain buoys, beacons and such other aids to navigation as it thinks necessary within the Norwich navigation and the Lower Bure.â€. (2) Substitute for paragraph 1(4) the words— “1(4) The Authority shall not provide, alter, discontinue the use of or remove any buoy, beacon or other aid to navigation for the purposes of the Norwich navigation and the Lower Bure without the written consent of Trinity House
  19. I think Clives using this as prelude to making his own boat!! he has indicated that he might be in the market for one??
  20. 3000 a week!!!! ,bl dy hell.Good job it didn,t get to haven
  21. Very intresting Bob ,thanks for posting the pics
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