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Everything posted by Polly

  1. We will be around, don't know about boating in, I have plans involving varnish and brushes. We most likely will drive there. Yes, a cuppa at the sailing club sounds very attractive Q
  2. Yes, Fleet Dyke, we watched otter there. Last year, with people about, a large dog otter calmly strolled across the next mooring to us and across the road as a short cut from one dyke to another. It was about lunchtime, we were astounded!
  3. My brother made a great canoe frame, but Mum was terrified of water, so funding for a tarp to cover it was frozen and it languished in Uncle Charlie's builders yard. Pity cos the frame looked the biz.
  4. Hopefully being nipped by your ferrets Lyns. We had to vote you in, no problem there, but I drew the line at letting your bloodthirsty darlings loose on the forum....you can bring the ponies of course.
  5. It's probably my fault, I voted for you wholeheartedly, but blackballed the ferrets.
  6. Not here What was my problem? Doh! Thanks Ray.
  7. They don't work on my iPad at all, and I only know a few hot keys. and a list would help me loads. Any chance?
  8. I agree Lord Paul's footage is better. In future ages video clips of us lot holding up mobile phones to get a signal in Horning will probably be described as 'ritual' too.
  9. Nope no outboards or auxiliary power allowed. Even hot air!:)
  10. Sorry I can't find the archaeology section! BBC 4 tonight 7.30 Broads Based.
  11. Our lady who runs the cattery once had a larger business on the site, it ran for years with large dogs down to tiny pooches and, of course, cats. The place is across the fields from a village, and someone moved in who complained about the big dogs barking. Result, business ordered to downsize taking only yapper type dogs and cats. Now, surely they knew there were large kennels there?
  12. You could be right Dan, there was something inside that housing. I am surprised, given its obvious weight, that the road surface wasn't damaged.
  13. The only time I saw you on lads week was at Ranworth, there was summat wrong with your eyes, they were trying to focus independently of each other.
  14. https://www.tandyleather.eu/en/ I have bought nice off cuts from them, I am thinking wet the leather to mould it to shape and pierce it for hand stitching?
  15. You might try doing it yourself? I'd have a go at least?
  16. Hello and welcome, Brilliant will look out for you on the river.
  17. Thanks Andy, I think a list of where these machines are installed would be good to have. In an emergency they can be accessed and used by anyone whilst waiting for first responders to arrive. Ideally there should be one at every pub/boatyard, they save lives.
  18. I asked about a defibrillator, because it sounded like heart. There is one at The Maltsters we raised money towards, and one I think, at Cox's Boatyard, just wondered where else they are, it's good to know.
  19. Polly


    Yes if they were old chemical triggers and a bit damp, they might have partly fired, making a small puncture in the canister which then leaked rather than inflating. Sounds odd but exactly that happened with one of our old Crewsavers.
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