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Everything posted by Polly

  1. Brilliant has a nice old brass door lock but it doesn't work. Rather than replacing it I thought at least an attempt to restore it might be a good plan. A neighbour has a locksmith son in law so a key should be possible. There are YouTube clips of boiling locks in bicarbonate of soda to clean them, sounds a bit drastic, any ideas?
  2. Brilliant has a nice old brass door lock but it doesn't work. Rather than replacing it I thought at least an attempt to restore it might be a good plan. A neighbour has a locksmith son in law so a key should be possible. There are YouTube clips of boiling locks in bicarbonate of soda to clean them, sounds a bit drastic, any ideas?
  3. We are planning to picnic at St Benets tomorrow lunchtime so will keep a look out.
  4. Agreed Warp, the New Inn has a staff change btw so it's very much back on our list.
  5. It's raining tigers and wolves here at the moment but we are tucked up warmly aboard Brilliant...no pub meal tonight but tomorrow is a definite. See you at 8.30
  6. You MM are a bad influence!!!
  7. Great to spend time with you two. Brilliant in her shift really, at that stage of fitting out.Thanks for helping, next time we can go sailing.
  8. We had a most enjoyable visit, looked longingly at Colin Buttifant's boats. Checked out Elisamoose's very smart new Cat's Whiskers, met the lovely new Annie of Whelpton's - looks like the yard is in good hands; and lunched with SteveO and Nik at the sailing club, where we said 'Hello' to Q. Great weather, excellent show.
  9. I love this pub, Geldeston Locks and Sutton Staithe in that order of being Broads Gems
  10. Too late, JM I've offered now
  11. Alan, they are labelled as of this morning. Previously one had a bit of sticky tape saying 'stb' and one had a kind of a hatchet on it that could be a 'p', otherwise it was open to conjecture. The table also has drawers and one of those says 'Brilliant'
  12. Absolutely you have a deal.
  13. I know that mentioning ladies' drawers in public is impolite, but having spent some time this morning sorting Brilliant's out, I need therapy! One lovely feature of classic saily cruiser build is that there are under bunk drawers that provide excellent storage. Trouble is that they are all different but look the same, and the spaces for them are all 'the same only different' too. Result? It took me ages this morning fitting and refitting Briiliant's because inevitably the final one failed to fit the last space. Argh! I have now sorted them and, yes of course, labelled them all so next time I will be spared the hassle. Yes I know I could have done this three years ago, and no I didn't, and yes I are 'fick'.
  14. Thanks Bern. Looks delicious ! I will have to consider the topping as the birthday girl has requested topping without butter, however that should be easy.
  15. Hoveton, the bins near Jeckells have been removed since last week, the ones near the BA Information Office are apparently set to remain in place.
  16. For me, the Broads were a narrow escape! Dad wanted to come, Mum was a non-swimmer and terrified of water, so vetoed it. i guess it would have been stressful, no playing in dinghies while dad fished, so bored aboard would have been the likely resilt, Dad and bro' fishing, Mum knitting and me....well there were always Arthur Ransome books, so maybe it would have been OK after all. We did book a boat to bring Dad away to the Broads in later life but he pulled out in case his dog didn't manage which was sad. We had instead, wonderful seaside holidays in Wales every year, well done the parents as money was tight!
  17. Vodaphone worked at The Swan Horning last week, I even managed FaceTime Hoveton bins were still in place. Vodaphone, no 3G in Hoveton despite the mast being at the station. 3 is working fine.
  18. This weekend... Carvery meal with Broadsword, Danny and Alison, done. Excellent company lovely meal. Tonight The New Inn Quiz with SteveO and Nik ..... Tomorrow Horning Boat Show.... Sunday crumpets with Jason and Sonia ......... Getting my drift? Oh yes and the mast needs varnishing but the weather is against us. Shame that!
  19. We kept Cleo in the spare room for the first weeks, she was a special case, being afraid of us and everything else. I built her a retreat in there where she felt safe. Cherry knew there was another cat but was banned from the spare room. I sat in the room with her for hours until she came out of her own accord. In the event, Cherry got in and hissed at Cleo, after which Cleo relaxed and began to settle really well. Cherry never let Cleo cuddle up with her, except at the cattery, but they rubbed along together very well.
  20. That's misanthropist JM, I know you are gender challenged but do get it right! Hope they find Jess soon, borders can shift so catching her would be a challenge if she wasn't keen.
  21. We will try to come by and say 'Hi'
  22. We shall be afloat, but may be there, depending on catering arrangements...pub or cook? Hmmmm that's a tough decision!
  23. Last week the Swan at Horning managed 3/4 very nice meals. Mine, a steak, was too tough to eat. I should have sent it back, but I didn't want to spoil the enjoyment of the others. We stayed overnight as we tend to do early season and lay up time. The rooms are clean and comfortable. The cooked breakfast was not good, in future I think we will stick with the free, and generous, continental. The breakfast room is lovely, timbered and comfortable, overlooking the river; I could stay all day! In season, it's always The New Inn for an overnight in Horning.
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