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Everything posted by Polly

  1. Lisa's birthday cake, I did 2 of Bern's recipe and the extras are in white chocolate.
  2. Oh what a shame Dave, we were near the entrance. You were missed.
  3. Thanks for sharing your trip. Danny. I appear to have accidentally 'ignored your signature!' Dunno how or how to fix it???
  4. They sell different thicknesses, ours are 4" I think....
  5. Nice account Danny, shaping up well I would say. Black Horse Broad reopens on the second of the two May Bank Holidays, got caught like that last year! Brilliant has memory foam mattresses from eBay cut to shape with the carving knife, super comfortable covered with chenille, also from eBay, as you were able to verify having wrangled them in for us. The main cabin has two single bed mattresses, I cut the forecabin's from one king sized double.
  6. Ohhhdear! How decadent is that cake? The 'Guinea pigs' liked Mark 1 very much!
  7. Nope according to this morning's Le Figaro, the government ain't backing down because political reputations are at stake, nothing more important than that after all! This row has been rumbling for a very long time, and with 25% youth unemployment the students are on the case as well as the workers. As employers I can see where you are coming from too. My favourite bit of French strike action was at a toll on the motorway; all the booths were functioning except the one we went to. A hand made sign proclaimed that the operator was on strike. He was happy to let us through, and since I had 40 kids with me this was a relief, but was taking no money.
  8. Doug is the varnish meister I'd follow any advice he offers.
  9. No excitement since Bob Kett ... Fortunately
  10. Yes I can't be bothered to pay individually for each journey so have an automatic account. It stops me getting cross about the fact tolls are still levied too.
  11. When is Oxford Bumps Week? Maybe it's spread.
  12. JM was referring to the runner up in the 2014 'guess the size of my propane cylinder' competition.
  13. Yes indeed, many thanks for delivering the parcel, shame it was an unpleasant mooring experience. Warning to all! Now JM has about 50m of Camo, we won't be able to see him coming!
  14. If I declare my back garden as a National Park, could I get government funding and gardeners in green wellies?
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