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Everything posted by Polly

  1. Maybe a night to be 'naughty' is a balancing thing (although not necessarily on broomsticks) in olden times it was Twelfth Night when there was a Lord of Misrule and otherwise etiquette controlled courts kicked over the traces. We were in Horning for Halloween and lots of places put out their pumpkins and cobwebs, it looked fun. Carefully escorted and very excited children seemed to have a good time. At home, we lay in sweets as a rule.
  2. I have seen a jack with white border on underway Thames cats and a number of other passenger type boats, mostly on the Thames? Brilliant sailed under the Jolly Roger when James (aged 2 1/2) took the helm. Now that I know is illegal, but he had fun.
  3. Thanks for the comments guys, Phill took them so I will pass on the compliments. Rigging adds perspective and saily credentials Our burgee lives at the top of the mast, btw.
  4. And a bit later on the river, with an amazing mackerel sky.
  5. We had a great afternoon trip downriver today, Wroxham Broad wreathed in low mist with spectacular sunset sky above. Will post pics when we get home.
  6. My colleague attended a cousin's funeral, the crem service ended with 'a song that meant a great deal to the deceased and his grandchild ' everyone then solemnly saw the curtains close to the strains of 'The Birdie Song'
  7. 'Hampered by strong winds' ? ' Fanned' was what this reporter meant, someone buy the EDP a dictionary please!
  8. No worries on the ice cream, the boat is at Salhouse already, as a piece of design it's not likely to win any Natural England accolades. Great ice cream though.
  9. Hmmm, money no object? Well, I'd keep Brilliant and get her perfect, also buy a mooring of her very own with a boathouse above, there are a couple on S Walsham that would do nicely. Albion for disadvantaged kids along with a small cloud of dinghies. I would buy the Nancy Blackett, keep her at Pin Mill of course. Further afield I would have a motor sailer, a YM or similar and keep her in St Lucia.
  10. The existing tea room is on the corner of Chapel Loke. I noticed it as we drove through a couple of weeks ago. It could be fairly recent and part of the post office enterprise? The proposed one would certainly mean that trade from the moorings would be diverted. I shouldn't think there is enough constant trade there to sustain business through the off season, whereas in the village, local trade would be all year round, but with a needed seasonal boost. i can't say the idea of coach trips stopping at Salhouse fills me with enthusiasm...the next requirement could be to 'upgrade' the walk to the broad and much charm would be lost.
  11. Brilliant was in hire from 1929 until the 50s
  12. We had the pleasure of taking our 2 1/2 year old grandson out sailing on Saturday, he was a bit doubtful about the size of the sails going up, but then the joys of pulling a rope .. I thought 'sheet' could wait ... and steering with the tiller caught on and he was loving it! I will admit he also loved all the motor boats and that we sailed under a flag for the occasion.
  13. Dressmaking, I now use Frixion pens from Staples to mark fabric, a quick burst of heat (pressing usually) erases all marks. Maybe a hairdryer on your wood would erase also, doing away with pencil marks?
  14. Congratulations Mike! What a sweetie!
  15. This is a much clearer exposition of your theory, thanks Tim.
  16. I don't know if a blockade would work, not enough Suffolk based members to provide enough tractors.
  17. Oh I thought it had to be that, but I could just possibly (only just ) have been wrong.
  18. Ohh three ponds not a lucky monastic horseshoe. Thanks for elucidating, Tim. No r..... significance then? (Gets tin hat and hides under wheelbarrow) Sorry for thick response but what bit is Cow Island?
  19. I assume that the suggestion to use private moorings was indeed a red herring. Imagine coming back to the wet shed to find the space taken by an overnight moorer. Actually, I don't know why more people looking for wild mooring don't mudweight, it's one of the nicest Broads experiences. Unless you have a dog aboard why not? I get the feeling that it's subtly discouraged by the hire yards, but that may be an incorrect impression.
  20. It's probably a Noffik spelling checker.
  21. Yes it is 'grammar' A job well done, I hope the casualty is recovering.
  22. Thanks Tim, this is fascinating! I wondered what the horseshoe feature near the boundary east of the high altar could have been?
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