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Everything posted by Polly

  1. Last winter we got the old covers cleaned and re-proofed, but thanks to time marching on and the flipping oak tree nearby, I decided that this winter project was going to be a remake. I have started with the cabin cover and, time and money permitting, will go on to the more complex cockpit cover. I measured up while the old cover was still on the boat, 13 metres, so adding 1 for luck- actually just insuring myself against errors, I ordered the acrylic impregnated canvas from Hawke House Marine, choosing Coffee as the preferred colour. I gave my name, which the salesman recognised, "Are you sure it's coffee you want? You had vanilla last time." He asked. Now I call that personal service, as is fairly usual with this company. I had used the lighter shade for our lifting cabin top a couple of years ago but the cover will be more hard working, so I went for the coffee/mushroom shade that is fairly traditional with these boats. The roll of canvas was delivered two days later, together with their uv stabilised thread, which is a dream to sew with btw. I laid out the old cover on the living room floor and drafted a pattern from it allowing 2cm seam allowances when I subsequently cut from it. I had that 1 metre left at the end but there will be uses for it. Almost ready to start sewing. I ordered a marine use zip for the front closure from eBay and while waiting for it to arrive, started sewing the front sectiions so that I could insert the zip flat before adding any side sections. All the shaping is in the front of the cover so beginning from the front and working back keeps the weight down. In fact I will do front then rear sections and then join them in the middle as being the easiest construction plan. This evening I completed that whole front section, so tomorrow will get started on the back. So far so good Will post a pic tomorrow.
  2. We were in the park at Tonbridge on Friday, and had lost track of the time, so when there was a tremendous bang it caught us by surprise, and all the toddlers on the swings etc. dissolved into tears. They fired a cannon, from the castle above, again two minutes later. Ok so we spent the time reassuring small people, and not silent. However, it made me think about the toddlers worldwide who are hearing those explosions and for whom there is no reassurance. Tragic. As a toddler myself, I heard some pretty graphic stuff from my beloved WW1 veteran grandfather, along with songs and lighter anecdotes. Grandma protested that I shouldn't be told such stuff, 'She's got to hear it' he replied, ' this must never happen again.' I wish he had been able to get that point across to the power hungry of this world. On Thursday, I was working with a class of 7 year olds in Croydon, and used a poppy as my starting point. Their sincerity and concern was moving, they certainly knew why they were wearing poppies.
  3. Brilliant is out for the winter, but Spring can be chilly, as was our last night aboard on Oct 30th. I go for layering too, duvets and cheap and cheerful fleeces from Roys, which are great value. If really cold, I put a fleece under the duvet as well as on top. Socks help I find. The bunks are fabric rather than the dreaded leatherette so they can be quite warm otherwise I'd go with Tim's excellent advice. We close off the forecabin with a curtain and rig one at the main hatch which really helps. We also use a small infra-red heater when awake, never leave it on.
  4. Welcome! No need to ask what keeps your spirits up I guess
  5. I am reassured that you have your finger on the pulse Tim, as do I , Faraday fixed my faulty lightbulb perfectly.
  6. JM it's a 'known fact' that the ones who claim never to lose their grip are the most accomplished space cadets.
  7. Polly

    Thurne Lion

    I agree with Marshman, making pubs the sort of place you would want to go is essential to their survival. I have crossed a few off my list over the years, mainly because of cold atmosphere, scruffy decor and so on. Its always a problem when providers maybe take a view that all holiday trade is passing trade so why build relationships? I realise that I may sound. really fussy, but I can be happy with bare benches, providing they are clean and staff are friendly.
  8. Phill said that was harsh but fair, guess who will be cooking his own dinner next week?
  9. Never mind subtlety, just go for it!
  10. And the first question will be.....which Monday are we in?
  11. Cleo was completely unconcerned by the fusillade outside. I was more concerned that miserable souls as we were we forgot to even light a sparkler or two, more is the pity.
  12. The silent fireworks were genius !
  13. On the other hand, they may just be sniggering in the hen coop. Holly here is laden with berries too, and they came early as you say.
  14. Sorry, 'this sign' referred to the thread title, which is what was on the signboard. I was rowing, so no hands, and in fact no camera either, shame because I would have loved a picture.
  15. Polly


    We leave all the lockers empty and open for air flow. Unlike BA, Brilliant comes out; she doesn't open up as some woodies do, and takes up in spring with very little fuss....so far! (I'd say 'touch wood' but that would be silly) Being yer Classic saily, there is not much more to do; we take the outboard back to Marine Tech for servicing and storage, and empty the water containers. Some years we take the sails in to Jeckells for valeting depending on how much use they have been put to. Last year we took the summer covers into the 'other' Jeckells for cleaning and reproofing and they did a great job on these elderly covers. Sadly though, they haven't had a good summer, tree 'sap' being the culprit; but rather than repeating the clean and reproofing cost I am making a new set for cruising, the old ones will go on top when moored to collect the aphid contributions, so saving the new. It will be an interesting winter project.
  16. Polly

    Winter Lay Up

    I think that is the ideal combination Pops
  17. Sounds like 'the lot' to me John?
  18. Polly

    Winter Lay Up

    Wood. Not everyone with a woody does but Hunters who keep an historic fleet do, so Brilliant does too, she needs cherishing. So far it has been the right strategy for us. Rondonay was GRP and came out every three years or so.
  19. There would appear to be a 'hotspot' next to the Southern Comfort mooring. Either the guy we were watching yesterday had found one slow-learning fish or at leat 5 of them came out in as many minutes,
  20. Rowing round to Landamore's today I passed Summercraft. Opposite them was a mooring with this sign and a floating 'alligator head' which spurted water from its nostrils as I passed by. Cool.
  21. When we had Rondonay, I just cleared the fabrics for winter and left the rest of our equipment aboard. Now with Brilliant coming out every year and sometimes needing work, I clear the lot, which necessitates a near-house move level of 'stuff'. I try to keep it down but every lay up shows that the clutter fairies have been at work again, next year I will be very determined to keep things simple ( just like last year......).
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