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Everything posted by Polly

  1. Polly


    Jill won our first 20 Questions, the Chat Room was really glitchy.
  2. Polly


    Ok. Tonight for something completely different! Given the continuing grief in the chat room, I am hosting a game of Twenty Questions tonight. Ten points for each final correct solution, nul points for anything else . 8.30
  3. Sorry to read that Danny, thinking of you both.
  4. Polly


    Right, 'buff said, Brilliant will carry on as before. Thanks very much for your experienced views guys.
  5. Yes, some of our planks have West on them, I think, and the antifoul doesn't stay on them beyond a season, so it's annually for Brilliant.
  6. Polly


    I thought it might be a so and so to re-coat. If it's not slippy in the water, then Warp would veto it for sure.
  7. Excellent! I hope they settle well.
  8. Polly


    Tar varnish, do you mean Stockholm tar, Vaughan? We antifoul Brilliant annually and I never have a good conscience about it. What has converted people to antifoul from tar, is it a problem to prep for the next year's application?
  9. Polly


    Yes I triumphed over Bern who needed to leave early and Chameleon Mike who got chucked out of the chat room. A truly awesome feat! Jill had some really interesting questions, for which, many thanks. i will be setting next week's so why not try it out JM?
  10. A question for the buffs, why was the Flying Scotsman fitted with those 'blinkers' on the front of the engine?
  11. We watched the Slow TV programme of The Flying Scotsman on the Severn Valley Railway, and loved it. We come from Kidderminster originally and Phill's dad was a SVR shareholder. The Wyre Forest and the river are lovey indeed.
  12. Recovery is difficult. We had a MOB in 2015, quite a small lady but heavy as lead for recovery, and there were three of us to get her out, with ladder available and all briefed. Had I been the only one doing the recovery, it wouldn't have been funny at all. Since then our MOB kit includes a floaty line with clip for lj harness and running through a block with clip for wherever is handiest in the event, usually that would be the boom. I have given myself a better purchase but also the line can go back to the casualty who can then help recover themselves pulling on it with me assuming they are able. Cold shock? Absolutely right. Debbie was teeth chattering and insisting she was fine. We were trying to get the silver blanket round her and she wasn't really able to cooperate in the few moments after getting her aboard. I had to really insist on getting her into the cabin, out of wet gear and under a duvet, it took quite some time for her to warm up.
  13. I should just check... The island leads to the Griff Clara Inustrial Estate, is Clara your middle name?
  14. So, we were on the Bedworth Bypass today, well somebody had to be, and I discovered that Griff has a whole traffic island named after him. 'Griff Roundabout ' no less, it has to be him and no other because there were TWO tile warehouses just off it.
  15. Always in the best possible taste........
  16. I don't mind it not being 'seasonal' sunshine in January/February/March is fine by me.
  17. I have an auto-inflate lj for cruising and a buoyancy aid for dinghy sailing/rowing. Agree, crotch straps are essential..
  18. Cleo was Chikuai Cinderella Cleo, very pedigree, but to us she was 'The Smollet' more often than not, and sorely missed.
  19. Happy New Year from Team Brilliant.
  20. Thrilled Andy got the knighthood! He really worked for the Davis Cup Team and sometimes underperformed in his own lucrative fixtures as a result. Likewise well done Mo!
  21. So sorry to hear this Tim, condolences and prayers.
  22. I love the Dartford Crossing, always go in the 'edge' lane so as to see the ships. Won't cross water eh, Baitrunner, you'd better check out Tam O'Shanter, Iain would have been on that in a flash!
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