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Everything posted by Polly

  1. The Whimp is a Broads built dinghy, I love it. When we moored Rondonay at Ranworth, I sailed it all day and Phill read the paper and chilled out on the mooring, perfect. . As hirers, we always asked for a dinghy, it added so much to the holiday, well worth the occasional inconvenience they caused us. Out and about we almost always mudweighted and rowed to the pub.
  2. Oh soddit! Predictive text strikes again. Sorry M!
  3. Nope, can't see how it works to tell the truth... Try eBay ?
  4. In my teens we had a feisty pet rabbit who got on well with our elderly dog. The dog died and in due course a lively border collie joined the family. My brother was 'training' it to catch rabbits out in the countryside. Came the day that the two animals met, I was running to the rescue, but no need. The rabbit sensed that the dog sniffling his neck was up to no good, and sank his teeth into the dog's nose. Result! The dog avoided all rabbits from that day onwards.
  5. That's great JM many thanks. Wherry? Now that would indeed be awesome!
  6. Could anyone be so kind as to pm me with an email for Maynard Watson?
  7. Fabricated?! Surely not JM..
  8. I have always found Hawke House to be helpful and informative, you could ring them Stuart.
  9. Hawke House Marine Fareham sell the right stuff, and the glues etc, They are willing to advise on the phone and have info. leaflets.
  10. I would always do foam linings on boards rather than glue directly to the hull, MUCH less hassle in the long run.
  11. Glad you got a good signal in Stalham, Horning not quite moving into 21st Century!
  12. My pennyworth... Children, quite young children, are fully capable of appreciating subtlety, and different interpretations. Sadly, we. adults fail to appreciate this very often and over-simplify, so, like Tim, I will read the study materials with interest. Education is a pressure cooker these days with crowded content and OFSTED looming. The other issue is that funding is really very tight, a juggling act to stay in the black all too often. Then there are the risk assessments required for any activity: no wonder there are fewer trips these days. It takes a good head and brave staff to buck the trend and say, 'Let's just make time for that visit, or for reflection and critical discussion.' Such heads, staff and schools do exist, and thrive, as their pupils in fact do well in the measurements required by HM Gov. There are approaches in schools these days that support better thinking, and they are catching on in my experience. I meet thoughtful and articulate children in schools who are a privilege to listen to. The contributions to this thread are, in many cases, reflective of the children we once were; sensitive to the offer the world made to us. Well, so are the vast majority of kids today, given the chance. So all power to the Broads as 'Outside Classroom' and I hope the adults involved do it right. If you are interested, check out www.Sapere.org.uk, or NACE.co.uk, or Thinking Schools International for a sample of some of the opportunities going these days.
  13. Polly


    Thanks Jill and Jonzo, Wd Mike
  14. Polly


    Yes I have heard that too.
  15. Polly


    Hull in a handcart? Is Hull Hell then?
  16. The one with the rat trap in.....
  17. I prefer The Boat at Stoke Bruerne MM
  18. Welcome Helen! OU children's literature? That is one I have missed, ooh just looked it up.... Wonder if they'd let me do it stand alone don't need it for a qualification....got some. OU junkie here...
  19. Most enjoyable, Helen, thanks for going to the trouble of posting your holiday tale.
  20. I like Milton Keynes. It's got real actual archaeology AND traffic islands. We were there on Friday, I always shop there if I can, though I admit that an afternoon spent there feels like an afternoon+ Then there are the Broads, a day there feels like a weekend, and a weekend like a week..... in a really good way. Downtune and let it all drift by awesome!
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