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Everything posted by Polly

  1. Polly

    bss examiner

    Dan Teadeamon posts here and is a Ludham based examiner.
  2. I think either the jet canoes or inflatable paddle boards would find a market for going to the pub, but going back might be a Darwin Award entry.
  3. Yes, ask permission, cross the bows not the stern when going ashore or boarding is a privacy respecting thing, and run your own lines to shore, not use his/ her cleats are all basic, I think. With Brilliant being a venerable woody, we are always ready to help incoming moorers!
  4. Wind was very strong overnight here in the Midlands too. Hope the survey goes well.
  5. That would be one of those Zorba type headscarves then?
  6. Yes it does look like it Liz.
  7. The picture second above this was taken from where we moored Rondonay, great to see that!
  8. I think that sounds about right. I do think that there is a significant difference, though, between objective criticism and personal criticism. The first can be offered in a spirit of collaboration and effect positive change; the second is usually a bad idea!
  9. I remember a team of bell ringers appearing in Hunters boats each Easter to ring Ranworth tower with their elderly retired schoolmaster.
  10. Well! Who'd have thought? I loved the bell foundry visit we always did on Normandy trips with the school kids. Villedieu les Poeles, aka 'God's Town the Cooking Pots' they make copper cooking ware there too. Once they were casting the GI Mike statue for St Mere Eglise, the place where the parachutist hung on the church spire all day with the locals frantically distracting the Germans until nightfall when he could be rescued. Billowing silk created in bronze, looked and felt awesome.
  11. Never mind Lord Paul, I want one too! :)
  12. Yes. Webbing and buckles readily available on the Internet, just check what the webbing is made of, like ropes you can get degradation with some fibres. Given how cheap they are at the chandlery, the only reason I am making is because I have stuff on hand to do the job.
  13. Webbing is a better option than cord MM not as sharp! This thread reminds me that I was plotting to make a set of crotch straps for our L Js this winter.
  14. There has always been a crossover between music hall/burlesque and panto. However the sly humour that therefore is part of the tradition is justt that, sly, not 'in your face'. Having worked in theatre with a proud tradition of panto, I can't see this sort of material going into any good production.
  15. Yorkshire? No, can't say I've ever heard of it.
  16. I always said he was backward.
  17. I love the band night atmosphere, less keen on piped music.
  18. He had just finished singing 'Morning has Broken' when JM took that, then we cut the shrouds! Lol
  19. This is such a good thread! Great work!
  20. Thanks for that, I enjoyed the cold early morning at LBBY, almost like we were there.
  21. Polish and edit and then do so again....and again. Advice paraphrased from Berlie Docherty who knows a thing or two about good writing.
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