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Everything posted by Polly

  1. We always hired yachts from HW to start with and never had a bad experience. It amused me to see the guys watching the fleet come in from the footbridge on a Saturday morning, eagle eyed for signs of problems, no smiles as there were on starting the hire until they were satisfied all was well with the rigging etc. We also hired cruisers from them, all in great order. Later we went on to get our yachts from NBYCo and once for the 3RR from Martham, all good. Dave and Jess hired their yachts from the outstanding Whelpton Yard before buying Brilliant,
  2. We came to the Broads when we ran out of slave labour on the canal holidays; reading the, then, HW catalogue, I said, 'Ooooh look, we could hire a yacht!' Not being totally daft, we included two days basic tuition In sailing from Wroxham and got totally hooked. I just wish we had done it years earlier.
  3. In fairness to AA, I think the bigger magazines are patchy too in terms of interest to me. I read PBO every month. There are a few columns I always read, Dave Selby being first call. the amount of advertising is huge of course, and new boat reviews are not something I read. I sometimes consider cancelling my subscription but I hang on anyway.
  4. A million apologies people! We had a problem with putting Briiliant to bed, (Phill hurt his back bailing the dinghy) this meant an unscheduled stay in Norfolk last night and extra work for me. We only just got back and the quiz isn't ready. I am really sorry and will run it next week instead.
  5. I am perfectly happy with the Broads as a working landscape, it it what it is. I like Roys, and the riverside at Horning. The chalets are part of the deal, fine by me, too. I just think a couple more quality facilities in places like Potter and Hoveton would probably do well, it's expensive hiring a boat, after all, and not all are stag groups looking for beer and basic. There must be money to be made?
  6. The Broads are different, I think. Looking at NPs like The Lake District, Peaks, etc. the 'heritage' is a bit smarter, more National Trust Shop in appearance, at least, that is my impression gained over visits. We are definitely scruffier and I am not sure how that plays in the NP ethos. Sure the broads, reedbeds, marshes and rivers are breathtaking, but the settlements certainly aren't up there with Matlock or Ambleside, so name or no name, some folk will not visit/revisit in the way they do the other NPs. I can't see that a name change will have that much impact. Better tourist facilities would help and these can only be provided through profitable businesses, so knocking efforts seems a bit counterproductive! This is not to say, 'tidy away the boatyards' btw, they really matter; but I would happily lose the fish and chip shacks and Hoveton's awful 60s 'village centre'.
  7. You could offer them one? I am an Arts person so don't understand these technicalities.
  8. Hmmm, I really don't know. If it's a tribute, then OK, if it's meant to get us shopping there, and it is an advert after all, then, no. Grandad was there and the bit they never mention is that they were forced back into fighting afterwards. You'd be shot for cowardice if you didn't go over the top.
  9. Yes but they never asked did they?
  10. That concert is on my 'impossible dream' bucket list. We watch each year and I remember Grandma coming in every New Years Day to watch it on our telly when I was a brat.
  11. Wowed this will be worth waiting for in both cases.
  12. It was really interesting. There was a live link to the team in Germany, and a panel of people involved in the lecture theatre, briefing and answering questions. It was genuinely exciting when the moment came and landing had occurred. The OU have had a team on the geology and organic material research of this project for decades. Tim, you might have loved the cartoon they showed of how the orbiter and lander approached the comet; informative and very funny. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=trljrwTbr4w Of course we now know the anchoring devices haven't fired...
  13. We are off to the Open University today to watch the Philae landing. Exciting or what?
  14. Warning notice on banks?.. Now what does that remind me of......?
  15. TUPPERWARE?..for shame Poppy, Brilliant ain't plastic.
  16. All of my Dad's friends went together to volunteer for the Navy. He was refused on the basis of psoriasis reducing his fitness rating from A1. They all died except him.
  17. I may well look into that. I recall that Lynne was mystified that Brilliant has curtains and, of course, she has a carpet, so maybe I am too soft for 'Lugworm'.
  18. My grandad did tell me about the WW1 trenches. Grandma objected, but he said people needed to know, 'because it should never happen again.' That generation went through hell..
  19. I really enjoyed that, thanks for posting.
  20. I thought this was about fishing. )
  21. Yes, war casts a long shadow.
  22. Awesome Barry, thanks so much for sharing.
  23. It's been like a war zone the last two nights, but otherwise loopy oriental cat Cleo is completely unconcerned and baby visiting has slept right through them.
  24. 1460? Surely you are not suggesting that this makes them truly native JM?
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