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Everything posted by Polly

  1. Polly


    Welcome to the forum. I suppose we are mainly a talking space so selling comes second to building a relationship.
  2. I think it is largely unfounded. This Forum runs on the TOS and that will not change, the fact that there are different elements, FB, Forum, Meets, Mad DIY projects, doesn't imply that they merge when in fact the diversity is a strength.
  3. Yes I have seen those, they are interesting; I heard him giving a talk on one occasion and he made linguistics interesting!
  4. You know dyslexia is an anagram for ‘daily sex’.
  5. I would blame Mark Zukerberg and his team for standing back whilst that minority exploit the platform for ill.
  6. Yes I agree that the demographic make up of NBN on here and on FB is a key factor. If our FB group could reflect our TOS on here it would be a good outcome.
  7. Here is hoping FB evolves in the direction of assuming some social responsibility, their ethics are woeful.
  8. Best not to carry a version of ‘trial by internet’ over here too guys? We weren’t there, we don’t know.
  9. George fished a 10 year old out at Ludham Bridge, he fell off the back , parents transiting the Bridge were totally unaware they had lost one.
  10. A lot of younger users opt for FB and keeping both platforms rejuvenated is desirable. U hope is that FB users gradually move over here and adopt the values here, FB isn’t something I have ever joined or wish to do so
  11. As a former English teacher, of the not overpaid variety, I spent half my life correcting the errors we have mentioned. I did derive a lot of enjoyment from the 'he goes/she goes' (said) expression. I would be receiving a long complaint about some contretemps or other, and would ask 'Where?' when this was used, to the bewilderment of the complainant. 'Where did he/she go?' 'Nowhere, Miss.' 'Oh you mean said.' It used to interrupt the flow beautifully, and I got a grammar point across into the bargain. Evil.
  12. Am I being confused here? Surely as a public service vessel and with limited ability to manoeuvre, the ferry always has right of way?
  13. Bored by?? My personal ‘favourite’ laaafe for life.
  14. I dunno they haven’t found any milk bottles at Stonehenge
  15. It might, we use Milk & More glass bottles but a motor float.
  16. Mais peut etre vous ne conaissais pas cet homme!
  17. Mais Griff les bateaux francais sont aussi bien que les anglias.
  18. Any more aggro and I suggest a solicitors letter could concentrate their minds.
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