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Everything posted by Polly

  1. With 'that thing' you never realised you needed until you saw it on offer? i just spent £10 on 8 reels of overlocker thread from Lidl, essential purchase there!
  2. Well you eat, and that is a sort of qualification......
  3. Seems like Dylan is leaving his mark on the Wetshed one way and another.
  4. I am pleased Steve has ‘seen the light’.!
  5. Um...get a (virtual ) room?
  6. It reminds me of The Jumblies by Edward Lear; 'They went to sea in a sieve they did'
  7. Captain ????'s Crack finder from Norfolk Marine, brilliant stuff.This is a liquid and will run into the path of the leak, then you can bed in your handrails with Sikaflex or whatever when it's not raining!
  8. Hope he's got a spare battery for Beccles!
  9. A few that drifted into conflict are currently hidden, Vanessa.
  10. Doug suggests it could be the people who were returning on Sedgemoor at about 3 to the Wetshed. The contact number for Sedgemoor should be on the board at the entrance to the Wetshed. Just a thought.
  11. Oh brilliant, hope Charlie enjoys it.
  12. That is how we see Brilliant, hopefully, when we relaunch next year, she will be in a better condition than she has been for many years. You have to say it's irrational, but these boats have their own personalities, I can't explain it.
  13. If you haven't been to this event, it's a unique opportunity to visit aboard wooden boats and talk with their custodians about the work they do to keep these lovely pieces of Broads History going for a next generation. I say 'custodians' rather than owners because that is how it feels to own one of these special craft.
  14. until
    The NBN Spring Gathering
  15. Sorry to announce that we have withdrawn the Summer Meet from the NBN Calendar; always a smaller attendance than the big Spring Gathering; we were unable to have a team member as organiser this year, and we have let Beccles YS know that NBN are not there in any official capacity. That said, the individual boat bookings are not cancelled unless owners wish to cancel themselves, so a few folk will be about and moored together. We hope they have a good weekend.
  16. This event is now an informal get together and not an NBN Event, there will be a few Forum members there as individuals. Apologies for any disappointment. We have decided that in future there will be the one big Gathering in Spring.
  17. ' Yes a thoughtful programme ' i withdraw this comment based on the evidence, thanks Vaughan and Expilot.
  18. Hello Rose, like your forum name, is that you at the front end doing all the work?
  19. Not so trusty then Steve. Are you on Windmill Lady?
  20. It was the Welsh Flamenco singing upsetting the code I guess.
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