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Everything posted by Polly

  1. Polly

    Lads Week

    Do you really think they are going to be visiting pubs? Surely not!
  2. Hi, I suggest you start with the Broads Authority webpage. http://www.broads-authority.gov.uk/
  3. Yes, it isn’t a good idea to challenge other members by calling on them by name, I think it devalues the whole debate. If I were JP there is no way I’d engage with this thread either.
  4. I think we can exercise our sponsorship muscles as Mike says, and from the safety of our computer chairs!
  5. I think beasts and Christians were equally in a 'no-win' situation, and I think there are no winners in this situation either.
  6. She is. I contacted her a few weeks back, missing her posts. She is doing well..
  7. Agree with Regulo there, if people want to talk on general topics, here is the area to do so. Maybe a happier way to make a point is to post on the boating threads and enhance that area.
  8. That is a pegging out issue by the organisers by the sound of it.
  9. In some cases, never!! Lol it's a fair warning to other users, I am thinking of a dear late friend whose driving was just terrible. I banned my children from ever going in her car.
  10. I honestly think that some people must spend their time looking for ways to bother the rest of us over the more obscure areas of this stuff. Yes looking back, we accepted behaviour/language that with hindsight needed sorting, and to which we could be amazingly blind; but some of the new taboos are beyond me, for example 'Cultural Misappropriation' in my book used to be 'Sharing Insights'
  11. I read Guardian online, and BBC Web sources mostly with a trawl across USA & French outlets. We do buy the i fairly often and I pick up Metro if travelling. Sadly I am an obsessive Beyond 100 Days, Politics Live, and Andrew Marr Show viewer, if anyone has a cure, I'd be grateful.......
  12. Polly


    Welcome Tiny, Unable(not) Seaman Griff will no doubt welcome you to the ranks of RN refugees on here too.
  13. I think lots of Coots think the flood prevention dykes are more 'des res' than the river.
  14. The Virtual Pub is open tonight at 8.30, there will be a nice warm log fire. Just go to http://www.nbnquiz.co.uk/chat/index.php and login, DO NOT PUT IN A PASSWORD
  15. I work as a freelance trainer/consultant a few days a month. That adds income and allows time for me to do what I want to do. I enjoy the work I do.
  16. I belong to the 'Mirror, Signal, Manoeuvre' tribe personally, regardless. (except when I forget of course)
  17. We are at The Bridge now, just finishing ham and eggs. The service good, the food tasty. There were two reserved tables in the bay windows BTW.
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