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Everything posted by Polly

  1. Quiz Night!! Its on at 8.30 Topics: What the Dickens? Dem Bones American Presidents Stately 'Omes and Palaces The English Civil War General Ignorance See you there?
  2. And hire boats are supposed to moor by sunset
  3. I think a check with the rangers as to whether they ever use red and white tape would be sensible.
  4. It has migrated to open forum Vanessa, thanks for starting this important thread.
  5. The menu at The Pleasure Boat, and that at the Nelson Head are the same, as is the food quality, which is good. We like both pubs.
  6. Thanks for the tale Neil, I also remember your last sad experience and am happy you are back boating.
  7. You also need to work with the tides, Bubba. Norwich might be better by bus, or train from somewhere on the system. With dogs and children I’d visit Salhouse Broad, canoes walks and paddling! From Horning you can walk to Bewilderwood theme park. That and a trip to GY would be a good weeks worth with cruising and pubs in between.
  8. Welcome! There are quite a few members who come from West Yorkshire so help is at hand! Boats may be ready a bit earlier, and if not, pop into the Museum of the Broads for a visit? It’s really nearby. James is spot on re. Doggy life jacket and about taking your time rather than racing off to Norwich and back in a week. Indeed as boating beginners, you may do better doing far less, but slowly. Wear your life jackets when out of the cockpit on deck, and shut the pooch in the cabin until you have finished mooring. Take your time and expect a bit of help as it’s usually offered. Enjoy your holiday.
  9. Yes good point. Thread should be readable on open area now.
  10. Great many thanks for the info.
  11. Is Stella the boat that was being finished at Landamore's a couple of years ago?
  12. Given the thread title it had to be Ants in the Pants
  13. The Reed and Rhond Anchor is open tonight from 8.30 to 9.30 Just go to http://www.nbnquiz.co.uk/chat/index.php and login, DO NOT PUT IN A PASSWORD
  14. Very nice indeed. Here is the flag/crew shirt colour scheme FYI
  15. Thanks a million for all donations! We are closing the appeal now and will make purchases in the New Year. I will keep members posted!
  16. Ahh thanks, I rarely look a new boats! Lol
  17. 1391Y sounds odd three digits is the most I have seen.
  18. Polly

    My Day

    That is all, Ransome fans.
  19. Polly

    My Day

    Pirate flag at the masthead, if you look closely!
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