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Everything posted by Polly

  1. Glad you had a good day! Was he reversing straight?
  2. Ohhhh got you! Sorry! I referred to Lewis Hamilton in the context of taking abuse as a younger racer, and what his dad said. Then I referred to Q's thread about the Sailing racing at Horning and how an incident of a racer giving someone grief was going to be followed up on. Sorry not to have been clearer.
  3. There may be a few, but most of the Saily/ stinky stuff on here is strictly for laughs and should be treated as such. Where ill manners obtain, that is a reflection on the person handing it out rather than on the recipient. We can 'rise above it' to quote Lewis Hamilton's dad. You will notice too that Q as a club organiser reacted very positively to a complaint about someone racing, and had a very good idea who to speak to. It's a minority thing.
  4. It was hot.... you avoided the collision as ultimately required by the Colregs. Pour a beer and come to the quiz later.
  5. A fine and ecologically sound response MM
  6. Ah yes now I remember Terry and Brian doing one up, that would be it. Thanks Mike
  7. I would say if you were abeam of him and he tacked into you even coming from starboard of you he was out of order technically. As a courtesy thing he shouldn’t have tacked there anyway. Its hot he was paddling and at that point struggling to get some way. I can see how he got there but I still think he was out of order.
  8. They do Grendel. Canopy would serve them right for all that Beta action.
  9. Awesome! Btw there’s a lot of weed up at West Somerton. Shame you don’t have a quant pole.
  10. You clearly had a super holiday. Thanks for sharing.
  11. Cake requires eaters as well as cooks! All the best Gracie.
  12. Yes we will be involved in one.
  13. I vaguely think Broadwave belongs to the householder next to LBBY (who also owns that grassy area), nice guy but name has eluded me. Hows that for a definite post? Loving this thread, thank you!
  14. Yes Cobb and a pressure cooker are in our equipment .
  15. Not sure, I think they are always there in small numbers. Dogs seem to find them?
  16. Hiya, I love Winterton! Do be aware of the possibility of your hooligans running into an adder in the dunes. Are you hiring from Stretton under Fosse? It’s a lovely stretch of canal.
  17. Welcome Willow, we are boatless too at present, with Brilliant out of the water. We too are hiring to get our Broads ‘fix’. What is your boat?
  18. Well we had lovelyFB NBN members come to the Spring Meet and we met a super couple atHickling recently FB NBN. Not a horn or fang to be seen. If I read this thread as FB member thinking about joining the Forum...I probably wouldn’t, you know. It’s not all about abuse after all. My reason for boycotting FB is it’s management not the NBN group members.
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