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Everything posted by Polly

  1. Electoral roll might have names and ages of your postcode? It could narrow things down?
  2. Loved it when we visited, hope to be there next near.
  3. Even with life jacket you guys are right about getting out being an issue. After a MOB at Wroxham Broad, a small lady with three of us to get her back on Brilliant, I did some hard thinking. We now have a floaty line with caribiner on one end to attach to life jacket, and two more on blocks to attach to the boat with line fed through ready for use. This gives a better pulling power and in fact allows the casualty to help with the pulling as the end can be fed back. Having LJ s on gives you a bit of time to get this set up and the ladder over the side once you have brought the MOB alongside with the ordinary throwing line or whatever. No JL then ‘float to live’ as the RNLI says.
  4. I am happy to recommend businesses that do a good job for me. Jeckells sails is near the top of my list. We had a new jib three years ago ‘oh yes we have that sail plan in our archive and can make you a new one’ this was a 1929 Press Bros plan! They also came out to help us rig it to best effect. They sorted a new mast for Rondonay rigging and all. We have regularly had sails valeted there and stored for next season. Our Jeckells dinghy sails are 18 years old and going strong. That is my evidential base for the recommendation.
  5. I will try to be there,we are in darkest Kent grandparenting; so it depends on small fry going to sleep on time.
  6. Sails? You can’t go wrong with Jeckells Sails in my experience. They are a world class outfit. They are separate businesses Chris, but no complaint from me about either.
  7. Addicts ! Some people would barter their floorboards for ice cream!
  8. Mallards aren’t fussy.
  9. Enough! This is a massive fuss that does nobody any good.
  10. I think Seamaster is on at the same time as the forum?
  11. The Reed and Rhond Anchor will open at 8.30 all welcome. Just go to http://www.nbnquiz.co.uk/chat/index.php and login, DO NOT PUT IN A PASSWORD
  12. We are very broad minded Doug, as lacy as you like, I say.
  13. Most attendees will be there in a positive spirit Dave, rise above it.
  14. Welcome ! You might start by checking out the Broadland Memories website.
  15. Thanks for all the kind messages. I have passed them on to Lisa who is most appreciative.
  16. They probably bartered the floorboards for Ice Cream
  17. It’s a biological cloaking device.
  18. Polly

    Zoe Sets Out.

    So we are home after a super break on Zoe, very much enlivened by the RT saga and enriched by a quick trip to the seaside in between times! Happy days!
  19. Stone the crows! That bridge transit was close!
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