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Everything posted by Polly

  1. Yes I think I mentioned on here before that his granddaughter was a student teacher in my class, she said he was a lovely grandad.
  2. I would be surprised if it doesn't become a wine bar.
  3. Not DIY Probate, that's in hand, it was the cottage clearance that really canned February...and quite a lot of January!
  4. Yes, I get rough and ready, coarse? Well...... That red figure looks entirely too elegant.
  5. Polly


    Sorry to hear that Steve.
  6. Is that red and slightly elegant 'crew member' supposed to be a prototype GRIFF?
  7. It's been very time-challenging round here this year. However, I have now discharged the most time consuming job....never agree to be an executor on a will!
  8. We really enjoyed it, there were a few small changes to the format that worked and the presenting team were very good. OK it's not the old Top Gear chemistry, but neither, on the whole, was The Gand Tour.
  9. Purely business today, but I woke up with a bubble of happiness that I am able to get over to Norfolk for the first time this year. Illogical?
  10. They can cause a lot of damage, they invaded our old outboard, but luckily were easy to get rid of.
  11. We have frogs and toads spawning in the pond, over the last three days. I have seen long tailed tits, great tits, blue tits, robins, a solitary starling, nesting blackbirds, feeding on the stuff I put out, which I noticed was also being enjoyed by a wood mouse. The squirrels are out in force and the early bumble bees are on the mahonia. The wrens prefer the creepers on the fences. The pigeons have worked out how to open the squirrel feeder, as has a mouse. No hedgehogs though, which makes me very sad, none for about three years now. I find my nesting boxes are spurned. I am so pleased my desk faces out onto all this, beats working.
  12. It sounds like your time is tight, if it looks too tight in the event and you stay north, maybe drive to Oulton on handing over at Wroxham and hire a day boat?
  13. Argh Zebra mussels, nasty little things.
  14. Yes the 1948 reference is quite correct. Anyone else wishing to donate could go to www.norfolkwildlifetrust.org.uk/appeal or Text LAND26+the amount (£) too 70070
  15. Good, many thanks! I now am happy to donate.
  16. Oh right, thought it was Hickling. Thanks.
  17. Theirs, we are members.
  18. We received a letter asking for a donation to help buy the last parcel of land that would establish the NWT as owners of the Broad, thereby protecting the wildlife aspect of the Broad. Obviously I want to also secure navigation which is not mentioned in the letter. This is not RSPB, to which I would have refused a donation. Does anyone know whether undertakings re. Navigation other than the voluntary pause in Winter have been given?
  19. Movement sensors set above cat and fox height would be my choice, you avoid the toe stubbing and the scallys get the limelight.
  20. Polly

    Boat Door Locks

    We do have an alarm and at present Brilliant is stripped out and ashore.I will put the lock back at launch, she is also padlocked
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