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Everything posted by JawsOrca

  1. Hi David, Sorry Can you please upload your pictures again for me please.
  2. to the forum BB37. Sorry though I'm not help. Hopefully someone will be along shortly.
  3. Pauline I think you need a few more winks there... lol.. Hopefully Steve can advise what we've nicknamed debs lol
  4. I've always been told.. if you are seriously out taking pictures then do RAW and Large.. otherwise Large.. and only Meduim or low if using pictures for facebook etc
  5. Ok sorry about that Jill, I guess that would be the reason why.. I have mine on Large and I still get quite a few on a card. Good luck at taking more.
  6. Hi Jill, All pictures need to be have a width of 2500 or greater Sadly that's what the printers are saying anyway (Out of interest though what setting do you have on your Camera? "L" for large or lower?
  7. It's probably because she's so pretty. they want to come and have a closer look.. if you paint her white that may help...
  8. Second one watched lol... I thought you guys where having problems with your engine water pump (I did wonder why you mentioned vetus pump on a beta though lol).. That vetus pump is probably just a rebranded jabsco pump anyway so you should have been able to source a pump on the move (aquafax would certainly have stock or chandlers would have been able to get a Jabsco one in for next day I would guess) Although most of Orca's running gear is vetus we chose to go with jabsco pumps mainly due to that availability. Anyway hope you got it sorted. If you replaced the pump you should be able to get service kits for the broken pump so if you still have it, it may be worth having a google about and keeping as a spare. Enjoying the blogs keep them coming
  9. http://www.iwantfabric.com/faux-leather-fabric.html
  10. Hi Robin, Lol thanks for the mention there I still think it's an idea and I think you know and understand enough to do the "How to's" Who cares what they neighsayers will say Really like the 30 min episodes as I can watch in the evenings.. Although I only managed part one today.. I'll catch the second soon. P.s.. You need a london rascal tattoo lol! And B.A really needs a NBN burgee
  11. Pauline and Keith to the forum. We are all a very nosy bunch and would love to know what boat you have and pictures would be icing on the cake. Enjoy the forum any questions just shout someone will be straight along to help answer
  12. Thanks Trevor, Can you upload here please: http://calendarcompetition.thenorfolkbroads.net/ It's just to ensure the size is large enough
  13. I'd say unless you can get them 100% out the water then it does no good.. Certainly if the anodes are therefore out of the water (with a bit still in) as then there's nothing protecting them. Best to leave in but well maintained and adequately protected with anodes.. (Alloy anodes that is and no Magnesium like we did )
  14. Pizza express Pizza when they are on special are worth it! (although our oven on the cruiser struggles with them)
  15. Hazard a guess, I assume the shop and windmill moorings would remain, perhaps slightly curtailed. Anything is better than the waste ground its becoming. I still hope a harvester would go in there though lol..
  16. Hi Bob and Jo. from me.. I've kinda converted to Woodfordes as adnams are everywhere and thankfully woodfordes hasn't quite made it down to Kent yet Enjoy the forum.. Perhaps don't read my blogs too much if you want to learn boat handing skills..
  17. Thanks for this.. Sadly they are just too narrow.. The printers need 2500 pixels width .. these are 2000.. I've not got an ipad, perhaps see if you can increase the settings on there to take larger image settings. Hopefully some apple experts can help advise Thanks for trying and sending the pictures over though.
  18. Can you two both please take your tablets... sorry all.. just can't take them anywhere...
  19. Good spot.. Seems broken Just looking
  20. Can you email it to me please? norfolkbroadsdotnet@gmail.com
  21. Here's the entries so far. Please upload more! http://calendarcompetition.thenorfolkbroads.net/
  22. Just to piggy back.. Here's some pics I took.. Perhaps I should try and upload a few but I took quite a few though (To save the forums bandwith I've stuck on Picassa): https://picasaweb.google.com/108067698181679105321/2015BecclesWoodenBroadsCruiserShow?authuser=0&feat=directlink
  23. Hi John.. Good idea on the two northern meets and one southern.. It seems there are more members up north. How about Spring and autumn up north.. South for the summer one as it should be that bit quieter meaning moorings should be easier to book. Spring.. Salhouse. How about a bank holiday? Summer. OBYS (or coldham hall or Loddon?!). About the same time as this years. Autumn.. Womack ?! (Late september?!)
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