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Everything posted by JawsOrca

  1. Yeah I wasnt impressed that he was helming from the top steering position through these bridges. I've done it but stand on the steps so he needs some telling off. I'm trying to look after them but they are turning into that teenager stage now ;) David in the marina there is looking after them at the moment though so at least I know they aren't getting into further mischief ;) Take care too and hope you try and catch them one day. Sent from the Norfolk Broads Network mobile app
  2. I'm speechless. You are a dingbat.. considering this is the second time too! Just take it easy for now.. at least mum can drive the boat now so maybe you are at least demoted to galley slave! Sent from the Norfolk Broads Network mobile app
  3. I'll let a certain dingbat tell the story... Sent from the Norfolk Broads Network mobile app
  4. Looks pretty cool, apparently there's a camp site buried in that bit somewhere.. On the list to do "soon".. hopefully. Anyone following: here's simons channel: He does some amazing bushcraft & canoeing.. Local norfolk bits: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCL5bdhZoY9oBiB44td6dGQ
  5. Whoops lol, I think the two bridges mark the loop, we didn't quite make it all the way as we was just floating there really and time was getting on, didnee help we have to go home still :( The camp site there do hire canoes, it look a good site from the river. I think simon lives that was as he's always pottering around this bit (I found his secret island, it's quite a way upstream though.. very good videos though.. Shame he's not a member on here would be an asset to the forum.
  6. A couple of pictures from a slow paddle around the bungay loop yesterday. Very pretty and an easy paddle. My phone seems to have a quirk that it takes some nice pictures.. certainly no skill on my part as I could barely see the screen. Sent from the Norfolk Broads Network mobile app
  7. .. I was going to edit my comment but anyway.. because liability at present is on business owners and on david. Parts of the setup there such as security is resulting in locking the place up in the evenings. Apparently also a certainly authority (who at present has my full support) is asking for assistance for monitoring and reducing overnight stays and I guess as a large northern marina it's to keep lots of people safe and under control. So the only way to do so is by limited hours. Sometimes theres more going on beyond what we can see.. Sent from the Norfolk Broads Network mobile app
  8. Because it's the private companies and David's that will get the questions. I support David's stance and I'm never able to think more than 2 seconds about leaving there. It's one of the best marinas I've seen. Please dont try and stir resentment up there. If you are there and dont like it then you know the saying. Sent from the Norfolk Broads Network mobile app
  9. It's interesting to read the comments on B.A's facebook post following similar to Tom's post there.. Strange how people are all experts in everything but not understand that guidance is coming from central government and the B.A are merely the messenger, shooting the messenger is going to achieve what? Perhaps the B.A should be lobbying to allow us to stay aboard overnight but I suspect the scientist are already pushing the safety boundaries due to pressure/lobbying and shouting will not make it any safer! Whilst you, I or Darren from dagenham may not take advantage, I bet there's many more that will. It may not make sense but we aren't virologist and we need to trust the decisions made by those that are. I'm confident they are being made for our interests. Thank you Tom for sharing an update.. Everything crossed we can stay aboard again soon.
  10. I'm not sure how much I should step into this one! From my understanding it was built and designed by vouge marine in brundall based on this hull (https://www.ferry-marina.co.uk/holiday-cruisers/sleeps-2-to-4/garnet-emblem/) I must admit I was 50/50 on that boat, love the island bed and the fold down roof but something didn't feel right when I saw it, maybe just too modern and house'y for me. I guess the requirement was "Make a hardtop version with double doors". Which alone makes huge problems as you can't then have anything on that back wall. They have also clearly gone for a larger kitchen (I wonder if the resturant connection had something to do with that! I know when I designed our first houseboat, enjoying cooking the kitchen was way too big!!). Having the kicthen midships there would mean a very small sofa in the wheelhouse so I suspect they was stuck a bit between a rock and a hard place. WIth regards to the low swimdeck, personally for me I like that, It would be safer to get in and out of a kayak, dinghy etc, also easier should one fall in. It's obviously more common on posher private boats (Brooms I'm sure have low swimdecks), yeah ideally it would be nice to have an outdoor area and a gate but they have clearly gone for more internal space. I bet that large window with an uninterrupted view gives a pretty neat view. I'd probably have still moved the kitchen midships and tried to put a sofa in the wheelhouse but without seeing space it's hard to say.. I'd also squared that wheelhouse window but can see why they done it. Sadly I believe vogue are no more anyway, but it would have been interesting to see what they would have done with a larger hull.
  11. Something doesn't smell right, I suspect there's a further change coming on monday that some know about, which opens things up further as I read that as you mention. Bit strange though we went canoeing on Saturday and they were hiring then (so before this came into force) so wonder what legislation they were reading from..
  12. Why I am I left wondering if it's £50 each breach or I can "Falling down" moment for £50... Though £50 in the 80's still doesn't seem a lot of money? I guess it's still a deterrent, although I'd like to have seen a little more deterrent for like speeding and undoing lines... I guess thats why they are now thankfully much harsher..
  13. That must have been a "fun" conversation! They are hiring canoes and things here on the non tidal medway and kentish stour so I suspect it's coming.. Tad strange that the EA have allowed it already though..
  14. I'm hoping to "have a look" at WR at some point too :) Maybe an overnight visit if we arrange and when the world is safe (and no one tells Orca)..
  15. I just want to say good luck. It's your disregard and ignorance that will increase your risk of catching it.. There will be a second peak thus you must get in the routine of wearing gloves and/or using hand sanitizer after you touch anything another human has touched. I suspect from your wisdom that you are an elderly person therefore statistically your risk of death has increased further.. I strongly urge you to follow the government's guidance closely. Stay safe. Sent from the Norfolk Broads Network mobile app
  16. Dont pressure wash it paul as it kills the fabric. Canopy makers may wash it but it's a right pain for a business to do as needs space and just isnt worth cost wise... Best really done painfully on the boat or on a bit of grass nearby. Use proper boat cleaning stuff or simple light detergent and water and fabsil after. Sent from the Norfolk Broads Network mobile app
  17. Can we reuse the vinegar and just put fresh pickled onions in there pops? Sent from the Norfolk Broads Network mobile app
  18. Our hypocritical media... Ignoring social distancing to sell papers about a story about social distancing
  19. I've not been down to loddon for years now, but I think I know the ones, I'd prefer they get a place with land really, lots of land ;) Don't forget pops that there's still pubs and restaurants (well there was) there, you never know maybe the odd saturday job somewhere just to keep you doing something.
  20. No comment, although let them kick you out is probably the best idea, you won't find anything else, sell the house and move.. Don't forget you will need a big enough yard for us to put a kid annex in the garden. I'd move up there tomorrow (well we kinda was meant to be anyway).. Beccles by the river please...
  21. Ouch I wouldn't like to be in that yard when she sees you.. Although hopefully she will have her hearing aid by then so will hear herself... but yeah good luck lol ;)
  22. Thanks for the update Tom. Nice to see the broads made it through the weekend in one piece, We went kayaking locally here and it was alot quieter than I feared.. Excluding the fisherfolk fishing, the worse I see there is untolled boats, I can't understand why tolls haven't been paid, boats afloat must be tolled, it's the joy of having a boat, it's like having a pet and needing to feed it, all boats, (certainly if being used!!) must be tolled, if individuals don't want to (or sadly can't) pay tolls then take the boat out the water and stop expecting a free ride. The BA will have my full support against taking action against boats (certainly if being used) that are untolled! In my book toll money goes to maintaining the broads for us all, not paying and using the boat is just not putting back into broads and keeping it going.. :( (Yes perhaps there may need to a slight allowance for boats in a marina at present that for whatever reason can't pay, but you can't expect to take it for a run, if you taking to a slip at least pay a day toll).
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