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Everything posted by JawsOrca

  1. Thanks david it was really good to met u guys too. I hope u managed to give the boat back! Next time we will have a beer! Have a safe trip iain. Its lovely and peaceful down here at the moment. Get down here and relax! (Live from just in front of Beccles old bridge) oh anyone knows the pet names of these geese?
  2. Lol I did tons of questions and dave was worried that we can be easily spotted! I'll do a decent write up. But at Beccles now. Iain u can easily get a 40 footer in front of the houseboat but call them to reserve.
  3. Lol good spot. It certainly is. Just having a refreshment in the wherry hotel. Highly recommended
  4. Hi Steve, Hope my mum and dad didn't run you into the bank We will have a good look at things tomorrow for you... Should be there early morning if I get up early!
  5. Paladin(e)... I'm sure the members are interested learn that you refer to them all as quality! that's very kind of you. Grace grab a bottle and pour one for Paladin(e)! This is probably largely why this forum is doing so well.. Every individual post here is clearly valued and of a quality standard. Perhaps there's the odd couple trolling ones however every forum suffers from this even those with 10k plus members ;)
  6. Iain, I know you scots drink whiskey like its water but do not put that in the engine..outside of scotland it's seen as expensive luxury!
  7. Steve, I second what Geoff said if it's old and it appears to have stuck before then its probably worth while putting a new one in (together with a new gasket), although it may have opened it may have opened later and you won't have noticed during your test (make sure the one you put in also has a pinhole in it too) also as Alan said get a replacement impeller as a spare (a branded Jabsco or volvo one too not an ebay special ) I think when I was being nosy a few weeks ago I noticed a grated inlet skin fitting so that should stop big chunks going up (and I doubt the pump has enough suction to make a bag stick against the flow of the water passing the hull - I maybe wrong, I know our pump is new and does bloody good!).. Iain I would have thought that the antifreeze/coolant would stop scaling due to hard water, although we are soft water here and I can happily sell some soft water to anyone for £2 a litre?! lol
  8. That looks a cool little boat Iain! Don't forget Marthams can get under so if you want to get a hireboat under hire through Marthams.. Brilliant boats too.. highly highly recommended.
  9. It looks absolutely stunning.. I love the tate modern effect loo seat.. You were all very brave to buy it lol! Keep it coming Griff!
  10. Hi Clare.. you may want to try seateach on the south coast they have a huge supply of second hand sails and I've used them before. http://www.seateach.com/Also try lots of local sail makers most of them hold a supply and at worst can adjust another sail to the boats sailplan (again which they will have), try local sailmakers to where ever the boat was made though as they are more likely to have sails. With regards to to rigging you can do yourself (if you are brave) and at least have the right size mast (and chain blocks on the hull). If you don't have the mast then you will have a good old hunt on your hands there although most mast companies (Suffolk based zspars may be able to assist although customer service isn't brilliant). good luck
  11. Personally, I would have thought wherries owned by charities should get a reduction. But if they are owned by a profit making organisation then they should be taxed just like any other "hire boat". Although I'd also like to see the hire fleet helped out as without them the broads would be very dull. I'd also don't agree that a boat which isn't a broads born cruiser should pay anymore than one that is, although perhaps if mega gym palaces owned by wealthy resident of the broads should pay a huge amount (but that's hardly fair). I don't think the tolls should go up anymore though. I also think a dinghy (of any type) used as a tender to a full paying cruiser shouldn't pay any toll (if it's in the same river section). So if it was down to me the BA tolls would probably have a serious deficit! (surely the toll costs of a wherry is minor compared to the other costs involved in keeping these going?)
  12. Perhaps they have stopped to fish? I want to try it one day (actually am I allowed to or will we get told off? as it's a nature reserve isn't it?). Aside I hope she got off with no harm caused to the boat or Andy's (and co's) yard and the crew quickly got back to their holiday.
  13. Broken impeller isn't too bad then..although keep a look on the temp gauge and make sure enough water is pumping just incase some of that impeller ended up inside the engine... As it's a small engine though I doubt it but just keep an eye on it.. Enjoy the rest of your week!
  14. Grace one for Iain:... (It's on the last section of the emotcons).. Iain.. I can't find a shoe smiley for Grace
  15. http://www.eaglespark.com/Knots/turle.htm- That looks useful...
  16. Be careful Grace.. that old chap all those years ago didn't build that wall for nothing...
  17. Very nicely worded Alan The NBN is clearly as addictive as the broads are...
  18. Jeff I think I need to edit Grace's post to include her own name?!! Ok member 1000 gets a free NBN Sticker.. lol
  19. I'm sorry but I get the point that these are intended to be voluntary and I understand the BA's logic there but that wording isn't written as such. It's very much "Other people do the smart thing so why aren't you?" It is quite clearly aimed at those mooring and not at all "users" which once again the tolls (and hire fees) pay for, I wouldn't be so offended if it was worded more to say "If you have enjoyed these facilities please make a small donation to make them better" etc. My tolls including the dinghy was close to £400 for the year so I don't expect such thing on a BA mooring. I know when I paid my tolls the BA chap mentioned that the staff have all brainstormed ways to make money.. but this is wrong.. If anything they should target all users and add value to the mooring. Come on BA use more Brain and less storm.
  20. JA surely, dry rot & wet rot are your swear words ("Abandoned Project" being a serious bad word(s)!!).. and aren't you like in your 50's at least? or has so much of you been rebuilt?
  21. Hi Mark, Here's the amazon link: http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00N7CFXEQ/ref=pe_385721_51767431_TE_dp_1 You get all the bits including the waterproof case with it although you don't get a dash mount suction pad which you get from amazon or fleabay for a couple of quid. The camera actually acts as a little router so it sends out its own wireless signal which you connect using the app on your phone/ipad/tablet etc. (apparently a few feet). I've not played with it too much but I had a go and it seemed to work well.. Certainly worth they £60 odd quid and doubles up as a dash cam for the car too.
  22. Hi Robin, I'm loving these! Couple of things.. Not sure on the blue jumper You need to get yourself some sailing gear. Mustos, Gill, Henri lloyds etc lol It was good to watch your sheila aboard, she looked like she was having fun in the end and it was a shame to see her leave after the weekend.. more shelia Also the new blog camera isn't good.. the focus compared to the other wasn't good lol.. stick with the old camera. You mentioned about the forward camera having to switch it on.. Following your recommendation on another post a few months back you recommended the sj4000, and when i looked around I noticed they did a newer Wifi Model which I got and with the phone add it allows you to control it wifi signal so perfect for sticking somewhere on the boat and controlling via wifi.. maybe an option.. Ok back to watching day 4 (shame you didn't stay south but I've not learnt why yet )
  23. Hi John. Try Matt at gforce. (http://www.gforcetransport.co.uk/). Highly recommended. We used him 2 weeks ago to bring Orca up from Kent. (And the first picture on his website is Orca lol).. Mention NBN hopefully for a special price.
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