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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. Some folk even take their cats on holiday
  2. One of these could be the answer: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Asado-Grill-Stainless-Boat-BBQ-for-Instant-BBQs-/401083058577?hash=item5d6269c991:g:PdcAAOSwv9hW2sga Only problem is the ash creating tide lines on neighbouring hulls
  3. You could, if you really wanted to, you little devil you!
  4. Heaven forbid that they found dog hairs in the shower as I am sure did happen. How to tell 'em apart? The sniff test.
  5. Oh for the simplicity of a sailing boat's dashboard!
  6. Over forty years ago I had a riverside souvenir shop at Burgh St Peter and, inevitably back then, I sold postcards by the thousand. However I didn't sell so many from a company called Salmons. Their 'rep' came knocking one spring, a decent bloke whom it was hard not to like, and I commented that his sunset cards were pretty awful, indeed so bad that I could probably do better myself. 'Well, if you do I will pay you £18.00 per picture' said the rep. This card was my first attempt, £18.00 was not to be sniffed at back in the early 1970's and I went on to sell many thousands of this one image, as well as many more that I took the photograph for. Funnily enough I was working at Bury St Edmunds Cathedral and in the ever delightful Abbey Gardens one summer and there was an art show in the cloisters which I went to see. On the wall was a painting, an exact copy of my card. I made a great show of photographing his painting and inevitably he complained. I commented that I was copying his painting just as he'd obviously copied my photograph. His response was that his picture was a painting, mine was just a photograph. He changed his tune when I pointed out that he was clearly in breach of copyright!
  7. All very true but from my days in the hire business, albeit a long time ago, I well remember that absolutely nothing annoyed the following week's hirers more than finding 'pubes' in shower compartment or dog's hairs on the upholstery or blankets.
  8. JennyMorgan


    Gracie, I just hope that you didn't break that quiver!
  9. Broads boats in general have been known to travel. Several Broads One Design sailing boats have been to India, another ended up in the Caribbean where it was destroyed in a typhoon. A norfolk wherry, the Gypsey, went to Holland and then toured many of the rivers in Europe.
  10. I have seen privateers doing some incredibly stupid things, witness the RIB collision on Oulton Broad last August that sadly resulted in two disfigured children and their mother. Indeed I'm more inclined to despair at what some privateers do over what hirers ever do. Whilst both factions can be incredibly ignorant privateers surely have no excuse!
  11. JennyMorgan


    Re Broads carp, blessed nuisance fish, some arrived via that leaking tanker and some probably have been washed out of lakes or ponds by floods, as happened at Flixton a number of years ago. I've never had one of the huge ones but then I've never actually targeted them. Pike & roach I have a passion form, carp, no, 'fraid not! My thoughts on the carp industry! http://charliecarp.com/environmental-charlie
  12. JennyMorgan


    At least one. Some time ago a fisheries tanker sprung a leak on the Beccles byepass, right by the bridge. Rather than have dead fish all over the road Plod ordered the driver to shoot his cargo into the river. I was one of the first to catch the catfish @18lbs 6oz, sheer luck! Since then I know of three more captures. Quite a few carp were released too, biggest one I've heard of came out at 48 lbs!
  13. JennyMorgan


    There's one on the Waveney, last time I saw it it was 86 pounds! I have heard that it came out last winter at over 100 pounds.
  14. Her hull, apparently, is still pretty good but above her sheer plank upwards, when on Oulton Broad, she was rough plus.
  15. JennyMorgan


    Big Bream, you call yourself a match angler, in other words a competitive angler, thus you are a sportsman. Sports have rules and seasons, e.g. football. Football is no different to river match fishing, both have a season, why is that a problem? I no longer fish matches, just not my thing now but years ago I fished matches on the big Midland Rivers where a match length was often measured in miles rather than metres or yards. The rivers were hammered week in, week out. By the late eighties the bubble burst, fish stocks plummeted and only now are the rivers such as the Welland, Trent & Witham back on form. Times have changed, agreed, and so has the cost of entering a match, what with pool & bait it's easy to spend fifty quid or more as I'm sure you know. Good to have a break now and again. The fish benefit from a break, especially from those big, bulging keep-nets. Unlike commercial waters our rivers don't have stock-ponds from which to top up lost casualties from match fishing. Instead we have a close season!
  16. JennyMorgan


    On the pull, community style?
  17. Just demand that the wedding date is changed to midweek, simples!
  18. Potentially sitting on a fortune then!
  19. You could dispose of the famous blue bow fender, should make a premium
  20. Thank you, Vaughan, just lucky being in the right spot at the right time.
  21. Crystal is possibly not in a good state right now. She was moored on Oulton Broad for a few years until recently where she was somewhat sadly neglected whilst on loan. Thankfully she's now back with her owners although I don't know whether they are throwing an open cheque book at her or whether she's just back in storage. Perhaps someone has some up to-date information on her.
  22. Good auction, good opportunity to snout round the museum too, must be the best quid that you'll ever spend!
  23. Please, please download this from Amazon or wherever, one of my daughters would much appreciate some dosh! http://www.lowestoftjournal.co.uk/news/former-drummer-from-lowestoft-s-rock-band-the-darkness-releases-debut-single-with-new-band-1-5000010
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